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Prophetic Warfare Breakthrough Prayer Ministries |
Prayer Command Centres (More about ours and how to set up your own) Prophetic Words to the Nations "Building Block" Words to the Body of Christ A Door to the Apostolic Anointing View our NEW Guestbook and add your own comments!
Drill down deeper into the Word of God with these thematic studies.
This module will be based
on the following components: 4.
LET YOUR ANGELS WORK FOR YOU INTRODUCTION: HOSEA 4: 6, Angels are an active part of today’s
life. KEY TEXT: JUDE 6 Angels are reserved in
chains. 2 Peter 2:4-5, Lucifer was
ruling the earth. Ezekiel 28:12-15 even
though he was in heaven. Isaiah 14: 12-17 Eden, the
garden of God, then when Heb. 2: 5, 6 fallen, the Garden of Eden, no
salvation for angels. Gen. 1:26-28 fallen angels
did not have the right to speak except about God’s will being
established. Mankind has the right to
choose and the words to speak for the kingdom of God. 2 Cor. 11: 13, 14 we were
created in the likeness of God and hence we were duplicated with God’s
characteristics. The dominion of God, the
ability to Rule the earth lives in us. 2 Cor. 4: 4 Satan wants to
force his rulership. Gen. 2:17, Ps.115:16,
Heb.2: 5-8, Ps. 8:4-6. Dominion –The right and
power to govern & Control. Angels (Elohim-plural
Hebrew) Jn. 10:30-35, Ps. 8:2-7. KEY TEXT: GEN. 6: 46 Sons of God doesn’t mean
angels by sons of Seth. Gen. 6: 1-4,Job 1:6, Job
2:1,Job 38 : 7,Dan. 3:25, (4 of these refer to angels). Mk. 12 :25, Angels
are sexless. Where the giants came from:
God’s law of Genesis says: “Everything produces after his kind”. Deut. 3:11(King OG), Gen.
4:6 (Giants in the earth before the flood) - Satan’s plan to destroy the
seed and keep Jesus from coming to the earth. Jesus was the one to bruise
Satan’s head, Gen. 3:15, Satan was destined for destruction. Joshua commanded to kill
the children in order to destroy the polluted race or generation. The evil race designed to
destroy pure stock/ seed. The angels are delivered
into chains of darkness. 2 Peter 2: 4, 5, Jude6,
7.Only those who left their own habitation are in bondage. As in Sodom and Gomorrah. Isaiah 26: 13, 14, rephaim
–giants who are dead. 1 Peter 3: 18- 20 (Jesus
was preaching to the Spirits who kept not their first estate). Hebrews 1:7; Mark 5:7 Seducing Spirits/
Doctrines of devil 1 Timothy 4:1,*I don’t believe in demons but I
believe in Jesus Christ. Just enforce his defeat,
Phil. 2: 9-10. 4.
will keep things in perspective and divine balance. Supernatural
manifestations don’t occur wherever you want them to operate only where
the Holy Spirit leads. How to Tell the Truth: The Holy Spirit dwells in
you. I have the Spirit of truth
who guides me into all truth. The Holy Spirit and Angels
don’t have the same job. John14:26, John16:13,
Romans 8: 14: The Holy Spirit is our teacher, strengthener, encourager and
he gives us revelation Knowledge. Angels don’t have
responsibility to Teach/Preach God’s word. Angels desire to look into
things of SALVATION & REDEMPTION according to 1 Peter 1: 10-12;
Ephesians 3:10; John 15: 26. We declare the Wisdom of
God and make known the manifold wisdom of God through our declarations,
prophetic and apostolic decrees in the Spiritual Realm. Angels
don’t dwell in humans, though they can manifest as human beings. Angels
do the job in the natural realm & they are here to minister for you.
Angels are messengers from the Lord. Saints of God must judge
appearance by God’s word. 1 Cor. 14:10 declares many
voices- may be from the wrong source. When
revelation & vision comes – let the peace of God be your guide. Angels
usually don’t reveal their names. In the Bible 4 are
mentioned: 2 Good: Gabriel & Michael + 2 Evil: Lucifer & Abaddon /Appolyon. Angel’s unaware-Galatians
1:6-9; some people who try to pervert the Gospel of Christ by preaching
some other Gospel or doctrine. We the saints must recognize false
doctrines and cults according to Colossians 2 vs. 18. We must listen to what God
has said and follow the word and not live in self-denial. Worship of Angels (Worship
–Religion)-The Religion centered on angels. The Spirit of God desires
that Angels are sent forth to minister to the Body of Christ. I know Angels are working
for me and as I speak His word, they establish the perfect will of God. DIVINE VISITATIONS: a) Cult is usually based
on vision from God/Angels: Col. 2:18. b) False Religions:
superior knowledge usually the foundation is some revelation, not based on
Christ, but its emphasis is on visions, angels & revelations. ***TRUE RELIGION IS CHRIST
the Angel announced in Acts 27. KEY TEXT: HEBREWS 1:5-14,
JOHN 1:14, GALATIANS 3:29, MATTHEW 26:53 & 1 JOHN 3: 2. Jesus is greater in power
& authority by Conquest, and we are heirs of promise. The Roman Legion consisted
of 6000, the Lord was saying he could have called forth 6000 angels to
rescue him, but he loved us so much that he did not. 6.
5-7, 8-12, 14-16, ROMANS 10:9, HEBREWS 2:3 & 2ND.
PETER 1:3. Every transgression
received a just recompense. Declare: Ministering
Angels go and cause God’s word to be performed on my behalf, ten
thousand may fall but I would not because God’s word is powerful.
Salvation includes
preservation, healing, soundness, Deliverance from temporal
evil. Angels are an active part
of our divine destinies and desires to get involved in every area of our
lives. KEY TEXT: 103:20. ANGELS
ARE LISTENING Confession and why it
works: Angels are listening; we God’s believers give them our
assignments as our words line with God’s word. Words spoken contrary will
stop Angelic activity on our behalf. They listen to spoken words
and your voice. Jesus intended for us to speak his Word. Scripture Reference: Mt.
5:37; Mt. 12:34-37. Idle Words: Non-Working
for the Angels Idle –Non-Working words
come out of our mouths and enter into our Spirits. The word is in your heart
and then released through your mouth, then deposited in your Spirit like a
reservoir. Scripture Reference:
Romans: 10:8; Deut. 30:14. WORDS Words create images in
your Spirit hence the words you speak should be in alignment with God’s
perfect will for your life and divine destiny. Keep God’s word in your
mouths and forget none of his benefits. The Angels are part of his
benefits. You should co-operate with the Angels. Angels are designed to
hearken to the Voice of God’s Word. God’s children must
maximize on all the resources that has been made available for us. The Kingdom of God Rules
over All! Scripture Reference:
Proverbs 27:19; 29:18; Psalms 103:1, 2, 19; Luke 12: 32; Luke 17: 21. OUT OF THE ABUNDANCE OF
THE HEART THE MOUTH SPEAKETH From the inner man comes
spirit words, which either bring to pass or nullify God’s will in your
life. Scripture Reference: John
6:63. The Kingdom that is within
you has all the power of heaven behind it. Words will bind or loose your
Angels-The way to divine Victory in Jesus Name. Scripture Reference: Acts
3:6; John 14:14, 23-25; John 15: 7; Eph. 4: 29, 30. POWER OF BINDING AND
LOOSING Without your co-operation
your Angels are bound. It is the will of God for
the earth to be like heaven. By developing your faith, you can bind them
off the path you walk on. ***On
earth or the natural sphere, what is bound out of heaven: poverty,
sickness, trouble, pain, strife, confusion & every evil work. *** Accounting for Idle Words
The Angels of God are very
much interested in your divine welfare –Loose rewards or gain according
to the words you speak. ***Speak faith filled words
or fear filled words***. ***Angels on the brink of
bringing divine manifestation***. Be careful what you say get the standard raised from
the words you speak. Negative words will deceive your heart. You send your voice to your heart and plant seeds of
defeat. (Your heart works day and night to bring it to pass)
Confession works: saying it involves working the principle. Jesus is the Word of God personified Confess the Word before men; you’ll have an
audience with Angels.
Angels governed by the Supreme Court of Heaven – the Word of God. Your words determine what the angels can do for you
on the earth.
Your physical body & words can dissolve loosen and undo thee
Works of the devil. Scripture Reference: Isaiah 59:19; Luke 12: 8, 9;
Putting Angels to work: 1. Prayer. 2. Speaking God’s word. We escape trials, tests, and persecutions by God’s
supernatural deliverance of God’s Angels. Scripture Reference: Hebrews 2:2-3. WORDS AND NO VOICE God’s word is very powerful. You must give voice to
it. You must get the word into your Spirit and allow the
word to be spoken out of your mouth.
You furnish the voice for God’s word. Angels do God’s
Commandments by hearkening unto the Voice of God’s Word; they actually
cause God’s word to come to pass. If you don’t give voice to his word,
angels will not work.
It is the pleasure of the Lord for his word to be fulfilled.
God’s word will put you over if you’re obedient to it. Begin to speak: Mountains be removed in Jesus Name. I am a giver and it has already been given to me, I
have been obedient, I demand my right, there is divine abundance and no
lack in every area of my life. Wisdom, sanctification and Righteousness are mine. Give Voice to God’s Word
and see his Angels work on your behalf. Scripture Reference: Psalms 103:20; Hebrews 4: 12;
Matthew 12: 34-35; Mark 11:22-24; Luke 6: 38. KEY TEXT: EXODUS 23: 20-23. God had assigned an Angel
to make sure the Children of Israel made it there. All those who murmured and
complained against God died. They provoked the Angel
that God had assigned to them. God had warned them,
“Beware of Him. Obey his voice .Provoke him not, for he will not pardon
your transgressions for my name is in him.” God was not talking about
personal sins, but about provoking an Angel. An Angel wouldn’t forgive
you if you provoke him. He is not human; he does
not have to forgive .God is saying that you will reap a just recompense of
reward for what you speak. God’s will was for the
children of Israel to go to the place where God had ordained. But they provoked the
Angel and he wouldn’t forgive them. They called it forth with their own
voice. This is what provoked the
Angel: They heard what God said, but they didn’t mix faith with it. The wilderness experience
didn’t make the Israelites stronger, it killed them. You must actively believe
and act on the Word of God. God has assigned Angels to
the Body of Christ to bring us into the fullness of the New Covenant. But
his instructions apply to us as well: “Obey his voice and provoke him
not.” When God has spoken, let
his will be established in Jesus Name. Scripture Reference:
Numbers 14: 28; Hebrews 3: 7-19; 4:1-2
& Psalms 19:14. LOT'S WIFE PROVOKED ANGELS The word of the Angel was
steadfast, remember Lot’s wife who turned to a pillar of salt. The Angel
told them not to look back, yet she did and reaped what the Angel said:
“Look not behind thee”. Angels give direction in
life when the circumstances are the roughest. Be sensitive to the Ministry
of Angels. Scripture Reference:
Genesis 19: 15-17, 23-26; Luke 17:29-32. ZACHARIAS PROVOKED ANGEL
GABRIEL Zacharias provoked the
Angel by the words he spoke. Angels are assigned to see
that prophecies given in the word of God come to pass. Angels do not have a right
to speak their own words but only what God tells them to speak. Gabriel knew unless, he
could stop Zacharias from speaking doubt and unbelief it would not come to
pass. Zacharias was struck dumb for nine months. The Angel knew the power
that a man’s words carry, so he acted in order to prevent Zacharias
words of doubt from interfering with God’s plan. A few wrong words of
unbelief can destroy what their Angel has been putting together for
months. Anytime you speak forth
out of line with God’s word, you’re subject to provoking an Angel. You can lose your eternal
rewards because your words set the cornerstones of your life. In some instances those
words are the very thing that assigns the Angels their job. *Watch your words! They are extremely powerful*. Scripture Reference: Luke
1:11-15; 18. ANGEL APPEARS TO MARY Gabriel spoke the words,
God gave him to speak and Mary received those words. She didn’t provoke the
Angel of God. “Behold-Look, you have
found the woman who will believe you. Be it done to me: “ACCORDING TO
YOUR WORD.” Mary received and the Word
was steadfast. Mary conceived the Word in her Spirit, and it manifested in
her physical body. She received the word of
God in her human spirit, and then spoke it with her mouth. She told Elizabeth “God
has done great things for me.” She spoke in the past tense. It was
already done! She conceived the Word of
God. It was manifested in her physical body. God’s word took upon itself
flesh and was born into the earth. The embryo in Mary’s womb was the
Word of God. We must be receptive to
God’s promises in order for it to be birthed on the earth realm. Example: By his stripes,
you were healed; the word of God will become flesh in your physical body. When the word is released
into your Spirit and allowed to take root there, it will bring forth fruit
in your physical life. You’ll prosper and be in
health, even as your soul prospers. Scripture Reference: Luke
1: 30-35, 38; Phil. 4:19; Luke 6:38. KEY TEXT: PROVERBS 16: 1; GENESIS 24: 4-7 God’s Word is His Will.
Man is created in the image of God and in his likeness. Therefore; the
Angels take man’s word as being man’s will. ABRAHAM RELEASED AN ANGEL He said boldly and
confidently, “The Lord God shall send His Angel before thee.” We have a covenant
relationship and have covenant rights. By speaking God’s Word, you loose
Angels to bring that Word to pass in your life. When you speak in agreement
with God’s Word, the Angels will go before you and prosper your way. ***Quit prophesying failure. Start prophesying success by acknowledging
the presence of God’s Angelic forces in your life. *** Confess: “The Angels go
before me. They direct me and prosper my way”. Abraham set the Angel into
motion by the words that he spoke. His words caused that Angel to go, and
things happened just exactly as he said they would. Scripture Reference:
Genesis 24: 40; Proverbs 10: 11. ELISHA RELEASED THE ANGELS God provided supernatural
deliverance because of the words Elisha spoke. He could have provoked the
Angels by words of doubt and unbelief, but he didn’t. The Angels came
because of his words: “Fear not, there are more with us than with
rise and understand there are legions (6000) of ANGELS waiting to move on
our behalf. Scripture Reference: 2
KINGS 6; HEBREWS 1: 7. CALLING ANGELS OFF THE JOB Example words of a parent:
“Lord, watch over my children and keep them”. Then they turn around and
prophesy to the child, “If you play in the street, you will get run
over!” Your Angel may say, “I
don’t know why they want this child run over.” The Angel considers
your word to be your will. He will allow what your words allow. The Angel
may sit there on the curb and watch the child in front of a car. He
listened to your words, and considered them to be your will. Speak in agreement with
God’s Word and the Angels will accomplish what was spoken. When you
speak as though those things were true, you will be speaking parallel with
God. *When you say: “Nothing
I ever do works out”, you are perpendicular with God.* ***Speaking out of
alignment of God’s Word will cause your Angels off their job***. It doesn’t matter to them
whether it succeeds or fails; the Angels take your words as being your
will. Some of the desires and
habits of the physical body come because of the words we speak. Example: I say: “I am a
Mighty Warrior in Jesus Name”. I have created that desire with my words. Scripture Reference:
Matthew 12 :37 ; Luke 6 :38 ; Psalms 1: 3 ; Ecclesiastes 5 : 1-2,6 ;
Matthew 15 : 11. RELEASING YOUR ANGELS It is time you begin to
undo some of the things I‘ve done with my words. It’s time to get your
words in line with God’s Word and release your Angels. This prayer will
begin this process: “Father, in the Name of
Jesus, I repent of my ignorance of the Word of God. I ask you to forgive
me of foolish things I’ve prayed. In Jesus Name, I bind
every word that has released the devil or drawn his weapons toward me .I
bind every hindering force that I have ever given strength to by the words
of my mouth. I break the power of those spiritual forces in Jesus Name. Father, in the Name of
Jesus, I ask you to guide me in wisdom and understanding through the
Scriptural methods to set in motion all that is good, pure ,perfect,
lovely and of a good report. I
covenant with you to pray accurately, I will keep my mouth. I‘ll speak
only that which glorifies God. I will let no corrupt communication proceed
out of my mouth, but that which is good to edify and minister grace to the
hearer. I will not grieve the Holy Spirit of God whereby I am sealed to
the day of redemption, but I will give glory and honor and praise to the
Lord Jesus Christ for all that shall be done. I
thank you Father, I am the Body of Christ. The enemy is a defeated foe and
has no power over me. I
proclaim that all that is good, all that is blessed of God, all that is in
the perfect will of God, all that has been designed for me shall come to
pass, in Jesus Name. All
of the evil and bad reports, all that the enemy has designed to deceive
me, to lead me astray ,to destroy me, my home, or my finances shall be
stopped with the Name of Jesus and the words of my mouth. I’m
blessed in the city and blessed in the field. I’m blessed in the baskets
and blessed in the store. I’m blessed coming in, I’m blessed going
out. I’m the head and not the tail. I’m above and not beneath. I’m
blessed of Almighty God, strengthened with all might according to your
Glorious power. The
greater One is in me; He puts me over in life. The Spirit of truth is in
me, He gives me divine wisdom, divine direction, divine understanding of
every situation and every circumstance of life. I have the wisdom of God. I
thank you Father, that I’m led by the Spirit of God. I have the mind of
Christ and the wisdom of God is within me. In Jesus Name, Amen!!!” ***Rejoice
because you have released ministering Angels to go work and accomplish
God’s Word for your life. You have given them the ‘Green Light to
bring you into the Promised Land’ –that place God has prepared
especially for you! KEY TEXT: 1CORINTHIANS 6: 3; LUKE 12:8 & JUDE 6. Wrong speaking and praying
provokes Angels. When I keep God’s Word
in my mouth, I get an audience with Angels. My words are going to be
judged. Your words assign Angels. 11.
the Supernatural deliverance that comes to us by Angels, is part of the
Salvation God has provided.
Salvation means deliverance, preservation, healing & soundness. God rides upon chariots of
salvation. The Angels brought Light
and Darkness. The revelation of God’s Word that is coming forth today
will be light to the children of God, but darkness to those who walk in
darkness. Scripture Reference: Exodus 14: 19-20; Exodus 23:
20-23; Hebrews 2: 1.
IN THE OLD TESTAMENT KEY TEXT: 2 KINGS 7:5; PSALMS 68:7; PSALMS 34:7 You must move towards the
enemy’s Camp and take back all that he has stolen from you, your family
and nation in Jesus name. SENNACHERIB PROVOKED ANGELS The Angel of the Lord slew
185000 men. Scripture Reference: 2
ANGEL Scripture Reference:
RELEASED ANGEL They said, “Our God is
able”. They affirmed that he would deliver them. Scripture Reference:
Daniel 3: 15-28. FAITH RELEASES ANGEL TO PROTECT DANIEL Scripture Reference:
DANIEL 6: 1-3; 10; 16-24, 25-28. DANIEL GAINED FAVOR Scripture Reference: DANIEL6: 28. ANGEL CAME BECAUSE OF DANIEL’S WORDS The Angel of God did not come because of Daniel’s
fasting; he came because of his words. His words were heard the first day and Daniel’s
words released the Angel. Scripture Reference: DANIEL 10: 2-5, 11-13. 13. ANGELS
IN THE NEW TESTAMENT ANGELS MINISTERED FOR PETER Scripture Reference: ACTS 5: 17-20. WORD OF KNOWLEDGE DELIVERED BY ANGEL Scripture Reference: ACTS 10: 1-10. PRAYER RELEASED ANGEL Notice what caused the Angel to appear to Cornelius. Scripture Reference: ACTS 10: 2. PRAYER BRINGS ANGELIC DELIVERANCE Peter’s complete faith
and trust in God to deliver him brought an Angel on the scene. Scripture Reference: ACTS
12:1-5. KEY TEXT: MATTHEW 18: 10;
PSALMS 91: 5, 11-12. Angels are very much alive
and active around us today. They will work in the
earth, and they will work for you! They will become involved in every area of your
life-your home to the extent that you allow them to operate.
Declare daily: “He gives His Angels Charge over me to keep me in
all my ways. I acknowledge their protection and their guidance in my
everyday affairs. KEY TEXT: PSALMS 91,
PSALMS 112; HEBREWS 1:14. The Angels help and assist
us, even in small things; they are messengers to carry out God’s will. Recently I was teaching an
individual student Add Maths and he needed more time to complete the
topics. His uncle told him he was leaving his business for 7.00 p.m. Just before 7.00 p.m.,
myself and the student both asked that the Lord would send his Angels into
the Business and cause men to come and buy and use the facility so that we
would get the time necessary to complete the required work. So said, so done, when his
uncle came to pick him up, he testified at the said time, the Internet café
became very busy and customers were coming in continuously. He was happy
about the profit he made that day and we were happy for the extra 1.5
hours, which the Angels gave to us to complete the Work. In the United States a
young University Student was going into the parking lot and 3 men were
about 100 metres away from her. The three men were going to assault her
but she said a quiet prayer with her voice. At that time, the men who were
about 10 metres away started running when they looked at the young woman.
Later that week, one of the men was arrested for stealing a car. She was asked to identify
if any of the men was present that night. She identified one of them. She
had the opportunity to ask him what he saw that night. He described that He saw
this huge Muscular Warrior Appeared before her on that night in which they
were planning to accost her. The Angel stood over 10 feet tall, face
radiating with light, 6 feet was the length of the Sword and a huge
Shield. They got so scared that they ran. The
Angel meant you dare not lay a finger on her. In our times of danger we
can have peace. Confession Brings
Protection: Father thank you for surrounding me with favor daily as my
shield and buckler. Father, thank You for
sending Your Angels ahead of me to protect me. Thank you lord for the huge
powerful Warrior Angels that surround me. Father God will put a shield of
faith and divine protection of a wall of fire like Elisha when the enemy
surrounded him. Ministering Angels go
before my children who are blessed and connect them to the right friends.
Father, you have our loved ones in your hand .My confidence is in you. Thank You, Father, that I
dwell in the Secret place of the Most High God, I abide under the Shadow
of the Almighty whose power no foe can withstand. No weapon formed against
me shall prosper. A thousand may fall by my
side. A thousand may have car wrecks, but thank you Father that you have
given Your Angels charge over me, and it won’t affect me. You must stay in faith,
stay in courage. There is a blood line that the enemy cannot cross,
remember 1 Angel of God slew 185 000 men in the Old Testament. The way to have
supernatural deliverance is to believe for it and confess it! This is for every
believer, a thousand may fall by your side, but it will not come nigh you! Those words which had been
set forth in the Spirit Realm protect us at the appointed time. The Word declares out of
the Abundance of the heart my mouth speaketh. My inner man is programmed
with the Word of God to bring protection by supernatural means. IMAGE –END RESULTS When the enemy brings
negative pictures of tragedy, you must delete those images immediately and
release the Angels to Cover and protect anyone the Lord shows you to cover
in Jesus name. Instead picture whoever
delivered from whatever situation in Jesus Name. Re-program your image in
the Spirit with improved results in Jesus name. Reading Psalms ninety-one
gives double protection for your mind and heart, come into divine
agreement with the Word of God. KNOWING HIS NAME The Names of the Lord are
extremely significant; the names of the Lord will deliver you if you
appropriate them. (See next Module: THE NAMES OF GOD). 16.
PSALMS 35:27; GALATIANS 4:7 ; PSALMS 107:2; PSALMS 34:7. God takes pleasure in the
prosperity of his Servants. We are sons and joint
–heirs with Jesus. It gives God pleasure when we prosper. Speak what God says about
the situations of life. Angels are activated: 1. Keep God’s Word in
Your Mouth 2. Prayer, Jesus said He
could have pray and get more than 72000 Angels. Take Psalms ninety-one and
make it personal. Read and confess it this way. I dwell in the secret place
of the Most High. Therefore; I shall abide under the Shadow of the
Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He
is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver me
from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover me with his
feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be my
shield and buckler. I shalt not be afraid for
the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that
walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at my
side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come near me. Only with my eyes shall I
behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because I have made the
Lord, which is my refuge, even the Most High, my habitation. There shall no evil befall
me, neither shall any plague come nigh my dwelling. For he shall give his
Angels charge over me, to keep me in all my ways. They shall bear me up in
their hands, lest I dash my feet against a stone. I shall tread upon the lion
and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt I trample under my feet. Because I have set my love
upon Jesus, therefore will Jesus deliver me: Jesus will set me on high,
because I have known his Name Jesus. I shall call upon Jesus
Christ, and Jesus will answer me: Jesus will be with me in trouble, Jesus
will deliver me, and honor me. With long life will Jesus
satisfy me and Jesus will show me his salvation for my life. GOD
God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and
of a sound mind. Fear
is defined according to Thesaurus: English (U.K.) as: terror, dread,
horror, fright, panic, alarm, trepidation, apprehension, worry, concern,
terror, nightmare, phobia, be afraid of, be terrified of, be scared of, be
frightened of. Fear
is a demonic spirit straight from the pit of hell. Fear is not from God
Almighty. I repeat to you beloved saints: Fear is a spirit which is not
from God Almighty. The
Spirit of fear job is to paralyze your faith in God Almighty and to defeat
you in every circumstance and situation. The
enemy seeks to wreak havoc in the church by releasing fear into the hearts
and minds of God’s people. The devil’s job is to steal, kill and
destroy but the job of the Lord is to restore, bring life and wholeness
and to build and plant the purposes of God. 1
John 4: 18 declares “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth
out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect
in love”. Proverbs
29: 25 declares: “The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth
his trust in the Lord shall be safe”. Isaiah
51:12: “I, even I, am he that comforteth you: who art thou, that thou
shouldest be afraid of a man that shall die, and of the son of man which
shall be made as grass”. The
word is very explicit in Psalm 56: 3 “What time I am afraid, I will
trust in thee”, Psalm 56: 11: “In God have I put my trust: I will not
be afraid what man can do unto me”. The
enemy’s strategy is to assign his demons of fear to stop you from
accomplishing your divine destiny in Jesus Name. He is a liar and the
father of lies. When the Spirit of fear comes to attack your mind, drive
out that wicked unclean spirit in the Name of Jesus, resist and rebuke
this demon spirit in Jesus Name. Remember David and demon spirit of fear
Goliath, David prophesied against his Goliath in the Name of Jesus you are
dead meat today, so too must we prophesy against the spirit of fear in
Jesus Name. Our
Confidence must be in the Lord who is the Keeper of our souls until the
set time he has appointed to take us with him, will we die and none other,
even they tried to kill the apostle Paul and he was let down in a basket
and many of the other apostles received supernatural deliverance from the
devils of fear and intimidation to shut them up from preaching Jesus
Christ and him crucified. The
word of the Lord declares in Psalms 3: 6: “I will not be afraid of ten
thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about.”
Remember the prophet Elisha with the Syria army when they came to take
him. The word declares in 2 Kings 6: 16: “And he answered, Fear not: for
they that be with us are more than they that be with them”. Psalms
27: 1 declares “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I
fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”
Ester 4: 16 declares “ Go, gather together all the Jews that are present
in Shushan , and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days,
night or day : I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go
in unto the King, which is not according to the law: and if I perish , I
perish. When
we trust in God, even in our most difficult hour, we built our trust on
the solid Rock Jesus Christ. The Lord knows those who are his and He will
deliver us in the day of trouble. God
is our refuge and our very present help in the time of trouble. He is our
shield and buckler, our fortress and deliverer. We
must not relinquish our sword of Victory, but must rise up and wield it
against the powers of darkness in the Name of Jesus Christ. The
Spirit of fear is just an allusion of the enemy, the Lord Jesus Christ
triumphed over all of Satan’s evil spirits and we have overcome because
we have the Spirit of Jesus abiding in us .We must enforce the victory
Jesus won on Calvary. The
Spirit of God is a Spirit of Power. The Thesaurus (U.K.) defines power
as: authority, control, influence, supremacy, rule, command, clout,
muscle, sway, dominance, strength, force, might, energy, muscle, weight,
brawn, vigour, intensity, ability, capacity, faculty, potential,
capability, engine capacity, warrant, authorization from the Lord Jesus
Christ. We
the Body of Christ have been given the Spirit of love. The Thesaurus
(U.K.) defines love as:
affection, friendship, adoration, tenderness, fondness, devotion, passion,
ardour, like, worship. God
has given to us the Spirit of a Sound mind which is defined as: good
sense, wisdom, reason, understanding, common sense, judgment. The
word declares for one evil Spirit. God has given us the three powerful
Spirits of Power, Love and a Sound Mind. For
every evil Angel that the enemy has in the earth realm God has assigned
two Angels over us. The Lord is victorious and He is the champion over the
spirit of fear. Let
us paralyze the spirit of fear by proclaiming and declaring to the
principalities and powers the manifold wisdom of the Almighty God, the
eternal counsels of Jesus Christ. The word declares in Psalm 149:6-9 “
Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in
their hand; To execute vengeance upon the heathen , and punishments upon
the people; To bind their Kings with chains , and their nobles with
fetters of iron; To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour
have all his saints. Praise ye the Lord. Satan
is a master deceiver and we must speak the word of God out loud as Jesus
spoke the word of God to the enemy. We
must declare to the Spirit of fear, he has no room to work in our lives
because the Spirit of God alone is welcomed in the Name of Jesus. Every
Spirit of fear that seeks to rob you of your peace of mind must be driven
out and bound in the Name of Jesus and cursed, never to return to you or
your generations in Jesus Name. The
devil operates by using negative words via the media, radio, internet etc.
But we must mediate on the
word of God day and night. As
God told Joshua his servant in Joshua 1: 8-9 “This book of the law shall
not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and
night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written
therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt
have good success. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good
courage; be not afraid, neither dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with
thee whithersoever thou goest”. The
apostle Paul declared in the word in Romans 8: 37-39 “Nay, in all these
things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For
I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor
principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor
height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us
from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”. The
Apostolic anointing and authority is not afraid or fearful of the devils
in a city or nation or territory for they are given strategic wisdom and
authority to dethrone the ruling spirits in the atmosphere which bind and
control the minds and hearts of people. The
Angelic host wars in the heavenlies to loose the peace and presence of God
over regions and territories and hence an entire nation can be gripped by
a ruling principality of fear. In
the Name of Jesus we exercise our apostolic authority and measure over
this land of Trinidad and Tobago and we bind the ruling spirit of fear
over the atmosphere over this land in the Name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. We
root out, pull down, throw down and destroy this demon spirit in the Name
of Jesus. We the Body of Christ release and activate the Angels of God
which guard and protect this land to begin to cause a shifting and shaking
in the heavenlies in the Spirit Realm. We spiritually adjust and displace
the demons assigned to terrorize the Church and the Body of Christ and we
loose the Spirits of power, love and a Sound Mind in the Name of Jesus
throughout Trinidad and Tobago in Jesus Name. We
saturate the atmosphere with the Blood of Jesus Christ. We ask the Holy
Spirit to release his power over this land to bring peace, wholeness and
wellness to this beautiful twin island in the Name of Jesus. Your
word declares in 2 Chronicles 7:14 “ If my people , which are called by
my name, shall humble themselves , and pray, and seek my face, and turn
from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven , and will forgive
their sin , and will heal their land.” Let
us continue to 1) Humble ourselves 2) Pray 3) Seek the face of God 4) Turn
from our wicked ways 5) Then will he hear 6) Then will he forgive our sins
7) Then will he heal our land. God
richly bless you as you earnestly walk out of fear into newness of faith
in the Lord, may you burn the spirit of fear off your life and put on the
garments of prayer, praise and the word of the Lord in the Name of Jesus. This module will be based on Prayer and Fasting. When you learn this secret, Satan will never again be able to defeat you in the Spirit Realm. The contents of this module are as follows: 3)
INTRODUCTION Fasting can save your life! “Is not this the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and those ye break every yoke?” ISAIAH 58:6. Chamber’s Dictionary defines the word fast as: to go without food voluntarily. Prayer is defined as: an earnest request for something.
and prayer are key spiritual tools which have been used by Christian
worldwide to break the strongholds of the enemy over individual lives,
cities and countries. Prayer
is very effective, but fasting adds fuel to the fire of our prayers before
the Lord Jesus.
other words it causes a divine acceleration in the Realm of the Spirit. When
you as a Christian begin to prayer and fast before the Lord there are
great spiritual activities which begin to take place in the heavenlies
with respect to the Angelic Host who WARS in the Spirit. Chains
of bondage begin to fall off our families…off our bodies…off our
finances…off our ministries…off our nation etc.
God has chosen fasting
as a way to go beyond the surface, into the spirit world, lay the axe to
the root of the tree, and bring about incredible victories.
The enemy seeks to build a wall in the Spirit Realm to block and
detour God’s prophetic purposes but his plans are foiled as the Saints
of God begin to fast and prayer. 3) PRAYER
as a powerful key to unrealized spiritual power. When His disciples were
unable to cast a demon spirit out of a young boy, they came to Jesus and
asked Him the reason why. He told them, “Because
of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain
of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder
place: and it shall remove: and nothing shall be impossible unto you”
(Matthew 17: 20).
notice the key: “Howbeit this kind
goeth not out but by prayer and fasting” (verse 21).
You may be facing situations and problems that are causing you to
be confused and afraid. You don’t even know how to pray concerning them.
The enemy may be attacking you in your finances. Your debts keep
piling up and, regardless of how hard you may try; there is never enough
money to go around. Your mind has been in constant turmoil.
It may be that the enemy is attacking you physically and mentally.
Your strength seems to be gone; discouragement and doubt are setting in.
You have done everything you know to do. You have wept. You have
pleaded .You have cried out to God. Yet it seems as if the heavens are as
brass; that somehow your prayers are not getting through.
There are spiritual forces that are hindering and blocking you from
receiving the breakthroughs you need! The only power strong
enough to penetrate these evil forces and pull down these strongholds…in
your life, in your home, community and nation…is prayer and fasting.
Fasting is not simply a religious act for us to observe: it is a
means of bringing us onto a powerful spiritual plane, where the faith that
moves mountains is released into our lives, and our prayers become
powerful and mighty to the pulling down of Satan’s strongholds. 4) GOD’S
POWER IS RELEASED IN YOUR LIFE AS YOU FAST AND PRAY! Jesus has given us the key to the release of the power of God to work on our behalf… *to
deliver us out of the hands of our enemies… *to
reveal His will to us… *to
provide for all our needs… *to
strengthen us in times of trouble… *to empower us for service. Prayer and fasting is that key!
It is a proven fact that, when you fast properly, it not only
cleanses the impurities and toxins out of your body, you come into
tremendous and unusual prayer power.
Fasting energizes prayer! It
enables us to break down every barrier and take possession of the things
we need from God. 5)
destroy the nation of Israel because of their disobedience, Moses fasted
for forty days and nights (Deuteronomy 9: 18-19). During that time, he ate
no food and drank no water. As a result of this time of fasting, God
reversed His decision to destroy them and the nation of Israel was spared.
All because one man was willing to fast and pray! When the children of Israel were greatly outnumbered in battle by their enemies, King Jehoshaphat proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. As the people fasted and cried out to God, He supernaturally delivered them out of the hands of their enemies. Their enemies turned against one another and were slain before them on the battlefield (2 Chronicles 20: 1-29). Regardless of the
circumstances you are facing … physically …financially…family
crises…whatever circumstances the enemy is using to attack you…through
fasting and prayer God will turn your circumstances around. He will not
only deliver you out of the hands of the enemy. He will meet the needs in
your life. Through prayer and
fasting, we are going deep into the spirit realm to break the chains of
bondage off your body…off your finances … and off your family!
NATIONS! Not only is Trinidad facing crises, every nation today upon the face of the earth is facing major crises…major problems to which there seem to be no answers!
America is at a crossroads!
Canada is at a crossroads!
Great Britain and all of Europe are at a crossroads! Israel is at a crossroads!
We must rise up now, in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit,
to fast and pray on behalf of our cities and nations…on behalf of the
lost and dying souls. God is calling us…you and me…to join together
now! If the Church fails to heed this call and does not begin to take
spiritual authority which God has given us over the demonic forces that
are working to control our governments and our nations, there is no hope! There
are different types of fasts recorded in the Bible: *A
total or complete fast, where neither food nor water is consumed.
In this type of fast, a complete fast, natural hunger usually
leaves by the third or fourth day and returns in about twenty-one to forty
days or longer.
are two different instances recorded when Moses fasted forty days and
forty nights, where he neither ate nor drank water (Exodus 34:28;
Deuteronomy 9: 18-20).
The King of Nineveh proclaimed a fast throughout Nineveh, where
neither man nor beast could eat or drink (Jonah 3: 8-9). *A fast where only water
is consumed.
Before Jesus began His ministry, he fasted forty days and forty
During that time he ate nothing.
in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward
hungered” (Luke 4:2). Following
this time of fasting, angels came and ministered to Him (Matthew 4:11). *A partial fast, where
an individual abstains from eating specific foods, such as vegetables only
or liquids only. Daniel
fasted twenty-one days. During
that time he did not eat meat or drink any wine.
“In those days I
Daniel was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant bread, neither
came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till
three whole weeks were fulfilled”
(Daniel 10: 2-3).
were many times when the prophets and leaders of nations called for a fast
throughout the land. King Jehoshaphat proclaimed a fast throughout all
Judah (2 Chronicles 20: 1-29); the king of Nineveh proclaimed a public
fast (Jonah 3:8-9); the prophet Ezra proclaimed a fast throughout Israel
(Ezra 8:21).God spoke through the prophet Joel, calling a fast throughout
Israel (Joel 1: 13-14). 8)
is important for you to seek God’s direction and obey what He directs
you to do. God will not ask you to do anything He will not enable you to
do. 1.
Some of you He will ask to fast for one, three, seven, fourteen, twenty
one, forty days. 2.
He may direct you to fast once a week during three weeks. 3.
He may direct you to fast one or two meals a day for several days. 4.
Or, you may fast all day, each day, and in the evening eat a light meal…
and repeat this for twenty-one days. There
are many people today who are afraid to fast because they think it will
weaken them or that they will become ill.
to many documented cases by medical doctors, fasting is one of the most
healthy practices and actually increases strength.
for a period of time allows the digestive system to rest, as well as
relieves the heart and arteries, giving them a rest.
During fasting, the blood is purified. It increases the elimination
of toxins and waste from the blood and tissues.
There is no real spiritual benefit to be gained simply by
abstaining from eating. There
are people who fast purely for health reasons. It is not self-denial and
the bringing of the fleshly appetite into submission that is so important
and moves the hand of God. Fasting is a means of humbling ourselves before
God through true repentance.
During seasons of fasting and prayer, God is calling us to go very
deep in the spirit world. Set aside a specific time each day to shut
yourself in with God.
is saying to us: “…turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with
fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: And rend your heart, and not
your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God” (Joel 2: 12-13).
As you make a commitment before God in fasting and prayer, you are
going to experience a new prayer power. God’s power is going to be
released to break the chains Satan has been using to try to defeat you,
and you are going to take the victories God has promised you.
I first got saved in July 1992, there was a passion and a great desire in
my heart and spirit to see into the spirit realm. I yearned to enter
deeper in Prophetic Realm, so I decided to fast and prayer for three days,
without drinking or eating.
As I did, the Lord gave me a prophetic vision to see into the
Spirit realm a manifestation of Jesus on this pure golden throne seated
with purple vesture and a scepter in his right hand. He
told me to tell the people to repent and believe on Him that His coming
was nigh.
things for Trinidad: War and famine if the people don’t repent and turn
to Him as their Savior and Lord. Fasting and prayer
prepared me to share this with thousands of children throughout Trinidad
and men and women around the world. 10) C I
urge believers throughout the Body of Christ to rise up and prayer and
fast and seek the Lord Jesus as never before. There is unrealized power
locked up and released as a volcanic eruption in the Spirit as we prayer
and fast in Jesus Name.
The word of God declares nothing shall be impossible to you as you prayer and fast as declared in:
17: 20-21: And
Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you,
If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this
mountain, Remove hence to yonder place: and it shall remove: and nothing
shall be impossible unto you. Howbeit
this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17: 20-21).
and prayer is recommended by our Lord Jesus to every born again blood
washed believer in Jesus Name. Matthew 9: 15 And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bride chamber mourn, as long as the bride chamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast.
1. Healing Scriptures a. Jesus healed everyone who came to him for healing: i. Matt 8:16 ii. Luke 6:17-19 b. God’s will is to heal everyone all the time c. Primary purpose for healing – love and compassion of Jesus i. Matt 14:14 ii. Need to come to Jesus 2. Lord’s healing commission to His disciples and us a. Matt 10:1, 7-8 b. Greater works than Jesus; John 14:12 c. Miracles are instant; John 5:1-9 d. Healings are gradual; Luke 17:12-14 3. Full gospel equals complete salvation a. When Jesus suffered and died on the cross, He provided for the salvation of our body , soul and spirit i. Story of the paralytic; Matt. 9:1-8 ii. Gadarene demoniac; Mark 5:1-20 b. Jesus gave his body for our healing i. Isa 53:5 ii. 1 Peter 2:24 iii. Healing is the “children’s bread”; Matt. 15:26 4. All sickness and disease is from the devil a. Sickness and death entered earth through sin; Rom 5:12 & Rom 8:2 b. God does NOT cause sickness or disease, but He may allow it c. Not all sickness is due to sin; John 9:2-3 d. Good news is Jesus came to free us from sin, sickness and disease i. 1 John 3:8 ii. Acts 10:38 e. Paul’s thorn was not a sickness but some external persecution 5. Forgiveness and healing – the divine connection a. Ps 103:2-3 b. James 5:16 6. Reasons why God heals a. God’s love and compassion b. God honors His word c. God wills it; Matt 8:2-3 d. Mass evangelism and demonstration of the power of God i. 1 Cor 2:4-5 ii. John 6:2 iii. Acts 4:16 e. Faith i. Prayer of faith; James 5:15 ii. Faith of a sick person; Matt 9:22 iii. Another person’s faith; Matt 8:13 iv. Lack of faith in the community can hinder miracles; Matt 13:57-58 f. Healing anointing; Luke 6:19 i. Healing revival coming upon the church; Mal 4:2, Acts 5:12, 14-16 ii. Healing pools; John 5 iii. Need worship, prayer and intercession g. Confirms preaching of Gospel; Mark 16:20 h. To Destroy works of the devil; Acts 10:38, 1 John 3:8 i. For the glory of God; Matt 15:31 j. Kingdom; Matt 6:10 7. How to receive healing a. Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God? b. Do you want to be made well? John 5:6 c. Do you believe Jesus is able to heal you? Matt 9:28 d. Faith is more than believing: involves an action e. Expectation f. Forgiveness 8. Jesus brings life to our spirit, soul and body a. John 11:25 & Rom 8:11 b. Need to come to Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit 9. Nothing is impossible with God; Luke 1:37 a. God allows trials in our lives to build our faith b. God wants us to believe; Mark 5:36 & Mark 11:24 10. Faith for miracles; Ex 15:26 a. God gave us dominion over sickness, disease and demons b. As children of God, we are entitled to the blessings of God c. Power of spoken words i. Ps 107:20 & Prov 18:21 ii. When the gospel is preached, we are entitled to the blessings of God d. Your miracle begins in your spirit: Heb. 11:1 i. Abraham had a vision and faith ii. Rom 4:17, 20-21 iii. God gives vision and revelation to all of us 1. Vision that God gives us will manifest in our natural life if we persevere in prayer and seeking God 2. Heb 11:6 11. Roots of sickness a. Physical illness can be related to certain attitudes or emotions in our heart b. Prov 4:20-23 & Prov 14:30 c. The devil tries to afflict our bodies by disrupting the peace in our heart d. Broken spirit; Prov 17:22 & Prov 18:14 e. Don’t give place to the devil; Eph 4:26-27 f. What’s inside can defile; Mark 7:20-23 g. Merry vs. sorrowful hearts; Prov 15:13 h. Pleasant vs. unpleasant words; Prov 16:24 & Prov 12:18 i. Specific heart problems i. Unforgiveness ii. Offense iii. Pride iv. Lust; Prov 2:18 v. Self-Hatred vi. Rebellion vii. Fear; 2 Tim 1:7 viii. Greed j. There’s a connection between healing and the fear of the Lord; Prov 3:7-8 k. The devil takes advantage of our weaknesses, but Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil; 1 John 3:8 12. Hindrances to healing a. Little faith b. Unbelief c. Unforgiveness d. Sin; Ps 66:18 e. Heart problems f. Limiting God g. Broken spirit h. Lack of understanding of healing in the Scriptures i. Demons j. Complaining/negative words 13. Three keys to maintaining your healing a. Blood of the Lamb b. Word of our testimony c. Holiness 14. Tricks of the devil a. Discouragement b. “Father of Lies” c. Divert our attention – make us tired d. Curses i. Negative words; Is 54:17 ii. Witchcraft iii. Idols e. Temptations to disobedience f. Attacks our faith
Leadership Training & Church Leadership By: Pastor Jessica Rambally CONTENTS: 3. The Principles of Stewardship 4. Authority, Responsibility, Accountability 6. Six Unique qualities of Leaders a) God has established kingdom structure b) God’s authority is delegated within a set structure. c) God’s anointing flows through structure.
a) Leadership that exemplifies God b) Leadership that respects authority c) Leadership that produces results d) Effective Leadership that takes initiative e) Leadership with a vision f) Effective leadership that reports back i.e. accountability g) Leadership that loves people h) Leadership that is loyal (Faithfulness) i) Leadership that is of integrity
3. The Principles of Stewardship Disciple – One who is under training Steward – A manager and/or a servant a) Steward – A person who has been given the responsibility to manage another man’s goods or properties. b) 14 characteristics of a good steward.
a) Authority b) Responsibility c) Accountability
a) Serving b) Proving Oneself (2 Timothy 2:15) c) Three areas of Faithfulness- Luke 16:10-12 (i) Faithfulness in the least (ii) Faithfulness in the unrighteous mammon (iii) Faithfulness in another man’s ministry. Supporting Scriptures – (2 Timothy 2:2) and (1 Corinthians 4:2)
6. Six Unique qualities of an excellent Leader a) A passion for action b) The ability to remain focused c) A passion for helping others to succeed d) The ability to discern e) Teachable Spirit- the ability to express humility. f) Deal effectively with praises and also with blame {constructive criticism}, and not being offended or defensive i.e. making excuses. Leadership, Maturity & Immaturity TRAITS OF IMMATURE PEOPLE They have little tact in getting along with people They interfere with other’s affairs They constantly resist change because of underlying insecurities They blame others when things go wrong They are not able to develop in their organization a solid team spirit working relationship because it is difficult for them to be part of the team (There is no “I” in team) They cannot handle criticism and differences in others They are overly critical of other people and their methods They deter people from reaching their goals and objectives They major in minors TO SAY SORRY IS A SIGN OF MATURITY
Proper training brings proper management (Proverbs 24: 3,4) Any enterprise is built on wise planning Management is good organization
The Discipline factor A) Insist on high standards of performance B) Maintain effective communication- The capable leader sees that all rules apply equally ; he has no favourites. Listens to all parties, gets all the facts before making a decision. Always be fair, for God is no respect of persons. I trust that you would have been blessed by these training sessions, and pray that you continue to walk in excellence and greatness all the days of your life. Never settle for second best, we serve a great and awesome God, and everything we do for God, should be done with greatness and excellence. GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU AND YOU CONTINUE TO BE A BLESSING TO THIS WORLD. Pastor Jessica Rambally, wealthyjsoman@yahoo.com
teaching manual will be based on the following topics based on using the
words you speak in your daily life. I
pray that these teachings will be a blessing to the Body of Christ in
Jesus Name. (A)
3:1 Consider Jesus the Apostle and the High Priest of our confession. Jesus
is our go-between, Heb 3:1 calls Jesus the Apostle and High Priest of our
Confession. The Lord is considering what we say when he approaches the
Father on our behalf. Jesus is our mediator and representative with the
Father. An
Apostle is one that is sent or “one sent forth”. The noun, “apostolos,”
comes from the verb “apostello” which is the act of sending forth
someone on a mission to do something on behalf of the sender. For
e.g. if I sent you to the bank to get some money, out of my account, I
would have to give you a cheque with my signature, as the necessary
credential. An
ambassador of a country speaks on behalf of the country he represents.
Jesus came as an Apostle of God to us. He finished that work. Now
he has placed himself as our Apostle to the Father, he represents us to
the Father. He is the apostle of our confession: the Apostle of what we
say. When
we confess Jesus as Lord, Jesus confesses our salvation before the Father,
when we say “I am healed by His stripes”. If I confess this statement,
Jesus can say, that I am healed by his stripes, if I confess that I am
sick Jesus cannot use that confession. But the devil can use it to accuse
me to the Father. Jesus is also the High Priest of Our Confession. The
priest always offered up only what was brought to him by the people. Jesus
Our High Priest can only represent us to the Father to the extent that we
allow him to. Give him a good sacrifice of praise. Give him a good
confession of FAITH. He is ready and willing to confess us before the
Father in heaven. (B)
18:20 “A man’s belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth,
and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled” Proverbs
13:2-3 “A man shall eat well, by the fruit of his mouth, but the soul of
the transgressors, shall eat violence” He that keepeth his mouth keepeth
his life, but he that openeth wide his lips, shall have destruction. One Bible teacher testifies that after a teaching, an old man
in his nineties, came up and gave him the following testimony. The old gentleman said “You can see that I have a full head
of black hair, at my age,
this is rarely seen, well God showed me a long time ago, how I
could keep my hair, I have a perfect set of teeth in my old age, plus I
still have 20-20 vision, and my eyes are not dim, but the first thing God
showed me, was how to keep my tongue, and in keeping my tongue, I could
keep the rest of these things”. Do
not allow yourself to talk yourself out of hair, teeth and sight. Also
concerning your vigor, strength, vitality and youth, quote Psalm 105
Which says “The Lord satisfies my mouth with good things, so that my
youth is renewed like the eagle’s” Also
Isaiah 40:31 “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength,
they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary
and they shall walk and not faint”. Do not ever confess “I’m
tired” What good will that do you? If you feel tired just say “My
strength is renewed as the eagles.” Enter into some rest and relaxation
and cause yourself to rest. This will overcome the tiredness, but do not
continue to confess that you are Weary. Declare
a rich MOUTH over your life. Proverbs 12:13-14 “The wicked is snared by
the transgression of his lips, but the just shall come out of trouble. A
man shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth and the
recompense of a man’s hand shall be rendered unto him.” Proverbs
16:21-24 “The sweetness of the lips increases learning- the heart of the
wise teaches his mouth and adds learning to his lips. Pleasant words are
as a honey comb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones”. Psalms
101:5 “Who so privily slandereth his neighbour, him will I cut off: him
that hath a high look and a proud heart, him will not I suffer.” Proverbs
18:8 “The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the
innermost parts of the belly.” (C) THE
5:22 Fear ye not me? saith the Lord: will ye not tremble at my presence,
which have placed the sand for the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree,
that it cannot pass it, and though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet
can they not prevail; though they roar, yet can they not pass over it? The
sea has to stay within the boundary of the sand because of a perpetual
decree by God. This is also supported by Psalms 104:9. The
tidal wave may come but it has to return into the sea. The tide comes in
but it must return. The devil may attack you with his roar or sickness and
other waves of attacks, but they cannot stay, they must return. The reason
why they must return is because you may decree the boundary of the devil. Job
22:28 says “Thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be established
unto thee, and light shall shine upon thy ways.” Have you made any
decrees? What have you been decreeing? Have you been making a decree of
fear, sickness, etc. or do you decree 120 years of complete health,
strength and youth as was afforded to Moses. Be
very careful of what you say, because it shall be established for you.
Speak your future, direct your paths by speaking the word of God. Prov
18:21 “Death and Life are in the power of the Tongue” We can speak
life for ourselves and others or we can speak death to ourselves and
others. We not only can but WE DO. Numbers 35:30 says the murderer will be
put to death by the mouth of witnesses. If the witness will not speak, the
judge cannot hang the murderer. Mark 11:14 Jesus spoke to the fig tree and
it died. He spoke death to the tree. In Mk 11:23 Jesus said, if you will
say it, you will have it. Speak to that mountain, there is power in words.
“He shall have whatsoever he saith”. (D) THE TONGUE CONTROLS YOUR LIFE. Just
as you confess salvation, you can confess health, riches, freedom, safety
and whatsoever else the scripture promises you. Prov 21:23 “Whoso
keepeth his mouth and his tongue, keepeth his soul from troubles” Prov
12:25 “Heaviness in the heart of man, maketh it stoop: but a good word
maketh it glad” I
I LOVE YOU!!!!!! These
are only words, but they are powerful words, which ones do you like to
hear spoken over to you? What effect do they have on you? Think about it.
be careful to minister grace to the hearers all the time. Prov. 10:19-20
“in the multitude of words, there wanteth not sin, but he that
refraineth his lips is wise.” The tongue of the just is as fine silver:
the heart of the wicked is little worth.” Prov 12:18” The tongue of
the wise is health” 1 Samuel 3:19, God guards our words, if they are
correct. “And Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him, and did not let
any of his words fall to the ground” Prov. 12:6 “The mouth of the
upright shall deliver him”.
18:6-8 “A fool’s lips enter into contention and his mouth calleth for
strokes, a fool’s mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare
of his soul. The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down
into the innermost parts of the belly. Has your mouth ever gotten you into
a fight? The mouth calls for strokes. As
often as I teach this message, I ask the hearers to do some homework, and
it is this: open your own bible to Proverbs and read through it verse by
verse, mediating on each verse. Have a coloured pencil in your hand, and
colour every verse that deals with the mouth, tongue or words, you will be
richly rewarded. Also,
James chapter three, James said not to be many teachers, because teachers
will receive the greater condemnation. Why? Reasons: 1.
Words are the Teachers main tools. 2.
His words are many, good chance to offend. 3.
He speaks to more ears than others do. 4.
Because of his position, some people will take his words and live by them. And
then James goes on to liken the tongue to a rudder on a ship. The rudder
controls the direction of the ship; your tongue controls the direction of
your life. Also
consider the small BIT in the horse’s mouth; God has used much of the
Bible to teach us about the importance of words. We
speak God’s word and agree with God, we lend our members unto Him and
His servants we are. “Speaking
to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making
melody in your hearts to the Lord” Eph. 5:19. “Let
the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom ,teaching and
admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing
with grace in your hearts to the Lord” Col. 3 :16. Preach
the Word (2 Tim. 4:2).Speak the truth in love Eph. 4:15. 1.
must make a DECISION. We will do nothing without a decision. Declare
“I am purposed in my heart that my mouth shall not transgress” Ps.
17:3 “Suffer
not (permit not) your mouth to cause your flesh to sin." Paul warned Timothy in 2 Timothy 2 not to strive about words
of no value. They will subvert the hearers, and cause the new converts to
fall. He was referring to doctrines instead of God’s word. Let us avoid
foolish questions, refrain our tongue from evil and our lips that they
speak no guile, speaking evil of no man. 2.
5:14 prohibits jesting and foolish and silly talking along with
fornication, uncleanness and filthiness. Jesting
is a statement that can be easily turned to mean something else, to adapt
to moods and conditions of those it is dealing with at the time. Jesting
can HURT very much, like complimenting someone publicly on a point that
everyone knows that they are especially weak on. It could be calling a fat
sister by the name of “SLIM” or a bald brother by the Name of
Jesting is polished and witty speech, an instrument of sin: refined
versatility without Christian flavour or grace; lodged in a sly question,
a smart answer; a hint; an insinuation; sarcasm; exaggeration, figurative
expression; acute nonsense; unaccountable and inexplicable – but
answerable in numberless rovings; fancy windings of language convenient at
the moment regardless of being exactly true.
Matthew 5:37 says “Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay,
whatever is more than this comes from evil.” Eccl.
5:2, “Let thy words be FEW.” Conquer
silence and then come out speaking God’s word, speaking life and victory
in Jesus. Our YES will mean YES; our NO will mean NO. When you hear me
speak, you may hold me responsible because I’ve said what I meant and
mean what I say. I
refuse to be HUNG BY MY TONGUE. (F)
are builders, not killers. Since we know that our words are creative, we
should be careful of what we create. We can create life or death.
Speak life to someone today. Refuse to do otherwise. Refrain from
speaking death, discouragement, and despair to anyone. I exhort you to
experiment today, speak life and watch for the results.
“Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that
ye may know how ye ought to answer every man” Col. 4:6.
“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that
which is good ,to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace to the
HEARER” Eph. 4:29.Keep in mind the hearer and the effect upon them.
So, therefore, I will speak of those things that are honest, just,
pure, and lovely, of good report that has virtue and praise (Phil.4:8).
Jesus said in Mark 4:24 to be careful of what you HEAR also,
because “what you hear” will be multiplied unto you. Hear the words of
life and receive life multiplied: hear the world and you have zero.
Anything multiplied by zero equals zero. So, as we consider
“words,” they have power when you speak them and they have power when
you hear them. FAITH comes by hearing .The right kind of faith comes by
hearing the Word of God. Rom. 10:17. Words
produce FAITH-either good or bad, depending on the words.
If we continue to quote scripture from God’s Holy Word, then we
will be hearing, and hearing the word of God, ever building our faith to
the point that we believe every word of God. KEY
excellent lesson is taught with the words of your mouth and the content of
your heart.
The two armies were facing each other on the side of two mountains
with a valley in between. Israel
on one side and the Philistines on the other.
Everyday there was the giant that would come out into the valley
and speak to the Israelites. The Bible calls this man the champion of the
Philistines. He was 9 feet 9
inches tall, had a helmet of brass, a coat which was made with brass
shingles weighing about 155 pounds, a spear which weighed about 19 pounds,
and he had a man to hold his shield before him. He was quite a large man
to have to face. Remember that many problems that you might face will come
dressed as giants.
1 Sam. 17: 8-11 that the giant, Goliath, would come out every day
and speak words. He was able to put fear into the armies of God with these
Goliath would say,” Give me a man to fight, if he wins, we will
be your servants, and if I win you will be our servants.” In Vs. 10 he
said “I defy the armies of Israel this day.” In Verse 11 “”When
Saul and Israel heard those words of the Philistine, they were dismayed
and greatly afraid.” The armies of God were paralyzed by the words of
the giant.
God needed a man who was filled with his word to go against
Goliath, but there was none there, not even Saul, the King. God
moved upon Jesse to send his son, David, to check his brother’s in
Saul’s army. David
left the sheep with a keeper, his mission was to bring some parched corn
and homemade bread to his brothers and to give some special cheese to the
captain and get news concerning his three brothers.
When David arrived on the scene, the giant came out again as David
talked with his brothers, verse 23 says that the giant spoke according to
the same words and DAVID HEARD THEM. Were not all the men present servants
of God? What made the difference in David’s life? The answer is this;
David had filled his heart with the Word of God. While he was keeping
sheep, can you picture David with his harp, ‘speaking to yourselves in
psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your
hearts to the Lord, Eph. 5:19?
David had built himself up by singing words of the Holy Spirit to
himself (FAITH COMES BY HEARING, ROM. 10:17). When
David heard the words of Goliath he could not accept them. These words
could not enter his heart because God’s word was in his heart .These
words of unbelief just bounced off of David; he would not accept them or
the fear that they generated. Remember
that for 40 days, Saul and his whole army were terrified by Goliath. The
word of God in your heart is your protection against the giant attacks of
Satan. You may rebuke Satan in the Name of Jesus, but unless you know in
your heart that you have authority in the name of Jesus, you will become
fearful also.
David could not help but ask, ‘Who is this?’ The
men told him of the situation and that King Saul had a reward offered to
the man that would kill the giant. The reward was to marry the King’s
daughter and make his father’s house free in Israel. David
wanted a double take and asked, “Would you repeat that, please?” For
who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the
living God?
David’s older brothers immediately became angry with him and
asked, “With whom hast thou left the sheep, why did you come here? We
know what you really wanted to do, just to see the battle.”
But David said, (Verse 29), “What have I done? Is there not a
cause?” David continued to pursue the matter (Verse 31), “And when the
words were heard that David spoke, they rehearsed them before king Saul,
and he sent for him.” David said, “Let no man’s heart fail because
of him, I will go and fight this giant. But Saul warned David that he was
not able because he was just a teenager and the giant was a trained man of
In the natural, this was true, but God’s word is supernatural and
we have been called to a supernatural life, and overcoming life, who is he
that overcometh? He that believeth.
David had no doubt or fear that God would not back him up .He
remembered the victories in his life and reported about the lion and bear
that came to steal a lamb. David
said: “I went out after him and took the lamb out of his mouth; when the
lion turned on me, I caught him by the beard and slew him. I slew also the bear and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he has defied the armies of the Living God.”
The account goes on as Saul puts his armour suit on David (still
thinking in the natural), but David could not use it. He was not making
preparations for a battle; he was planning on a VICTORY.
When the two met for the showdown, the giant laughed at David and
was insulted that they should send a BOY with a stick to fight him.
Goliath made one good confession in verse 44 but that was the last
one he made, verses 45-57 then David overcame Goliath’s confession and
made statements of his own. 1
Samuel 17: 45-47 “Then said David to the Philistine, thou comest to me
with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the
God of the armies of Israel, whom thou have defied. This day will the Lord
deliver thee into mine hand; and I will give the carcasses of the host of
the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts
of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. And
all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with
sword and spear: for the battle, is the Lord’s and he will give you into
our hand.
The point we are making is this: you may speak your future; David
said it before he did anything about it.
David evidently knew Isaiah 54:17 “No weapon that is formed
against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee
in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of
God, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.”
If you know this, then you can speak it. Determine
in your heart to confess the Word of God over any and every situation,
regardless of what the situation looks like-speak it. But
do not speak NEGATIVE or against God’s word, because what you say is
what you get.
Mark 11: 23 : “For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall
say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea;
and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things
which he saith shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith.”
You shall have whatsoever you say - Do not be hung by your tongue. CURSE: To call evil or injury upon, to damn, to afflict, to doom by
speaking, it means to “pray against”. Can
a Christian curse? Does a Christian curse? The
answer is “yes” to both questions.
Jesus cursed the fig tree, “No man eat fruit of thee hereafter
forever”, and he spoke a curse to the tree. In
the morning when they passed the fig tree again and saw it was dried up,
Peter said in verse 21, “Look, the tree that you cursed is withered
In English, imprecate means a calling down of calamity on someone
or something. Anathematize
strictly refers to a formal utterance of condemnation by ecclesiastical
authority. The
opposite of this is “to bless”. The power of our words gives us the
authority to bless or curse. Every time you speak you are building up or
tearing down-blessing or cursing. you have what you say.
James 3: 8-11, “The tongue is an unruly evil full of deadly
poison; therewith we bless God and curse men.” These things “ought not
so to be. Does a fountain put forth at the same place sweet and bitter?”
James said that these things ought not to be, but they were.
Who have you been cursing? Examine yourself, who or what have you
been cursing? Prov. 11:11 “By the blessing of the upright the city is
exalted but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.” We
can bless and curse, and we do. Let’s choose Good. The opening of my
mouth shall be right things- I’ll bless people and only curse those
things that steal, kill and destroy as in James 10: 10. Romans
4: 17 states that God calls those things that be not as though they were.
God speaks of the non-existent things as if they already existed.
he spoke of Isaac being born to Abraham twenty-five years before it
Isaiah 9: 6 the prophet spoke, “Unto us a child is born, unto us
a son is given.” This was spoken 700 years before it actually happened
where they could see it with the natural eye.
Faith calls it as done before it can be seen. Faith is acting like
God told you the truth.
You do not have to see it to know that you possess it. To receive
the answer, accept it as already done and do not let your confession put
it in the future-put it in the PAST
has been done! Romans
8:37 says “Amid all these things, we are more than conquerors.” Is it
when we are out of all these things? No! “Nay, in all things we are more
than conquerors through him that loved us.” 1
Peter 2:24 says: “By whose stripes you were healed” (IF I WERE THEN I
Phil. 4: 19 “My God shall supply all your needs” But when he
spoke of his own self, he always put the language in present tense –
(verse 18), “I have all,” “I am full,” (verse 13) “I can do all
things”1 Cor. 2:16 “We have the mind of Christ”. He expects you to confess for yourself, call those things that be not as though they were, before the natural eye can see them. I AM JUSTIFIED BY THE WORDS OF MY MOUTH. Many
times a person will move the mountain according to Mark 11: 23, but then
move other mountains into their path by negative speaking.
What is the use of clearing the path of garbage and then cluttering
it again with other garbage? Please realize what God is saying to us about the POWER of our tongue-AMEN.
33:6, God has promised to provide stability in these precarious times
through knowledge and wisdom.
God reveals his knowledge to us, primarily through His Word. One
of the most meaningful ways He reveals himself to us is through His names. Each
of God’s glorious names reveals dynamic dimensions and miraculous
characteristics of His awesome power and endless love for us. PURPOSE
tap into His infinite supply of energy and find stability during even the
most adverse situations. (A)
1:1, God of might and Power. (Hebrew Translation God = El or Elohim
{mentioned 2500 times} El is the root word of Elohim, and it describes
God’s Greatness and Glory; it displays God’s power and sovereignty. God
= Elohim - The God who is able to put you over in any difficulty. Refresh
Vision of His Covenant with you, Ps. 91:2-4, Jer. 32:38-40, 1 Kings 8: 23,
Psalms 57: 1-3. (1)
Total power and might and complete sovereignty (2)
Complete Creativity. (Heb. 11:3). (3)
Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Gen. 1:2-3, Col.1:16). (4)
The God of Covenant Relationships (Gen.15:18-21). (B)
JEHOVAH: Hebrew:
Chavah – to live). Literal: Jehovah: full of life. King James Version as
Lord and it means “to be” or “being.” 1.
The REVEALING ONE; Intimate personal God. 2.
Unchangeableness (James 1:17, Ps. 102:27). Character:
Moses in Exodus when he was in Mt. Horeb (Sinai) – fresh inspiration.
Exodus 3:4-5, 7-8, 14, 4:6-7, 4:11-12, 31,3 2:1, 10-13, Lev. 19:2. 3.
Pure Righteousness and Holiness. Moses
prayed his WORD. Ex. 32: 31-35, 33: 1-3, 10-12, 14-15, 19-23. Meditation:
Ps.103:17, Is. 45:21, Zech. 33:9, Prov. 1:7-9, Psalm 139:1-5. (C)
displays God’s Power and might). Gen. 17:1-2 (Compound Name). Name
derived from ‘field’, as the fields produce abundance. It is also
translated “breast, or the many breasted One,” which signifies
Nourishment and Productiveness.
El Shaddai - I am more than enough to meet your needs in each
situation. Gen.
28: 1-3, Isaac was saying, ‘Jacob, May El Shaddai, the God who is all
-Sufficient, bless you and multiply you! He will work contrary to Nature
to overcome any difficult circumstances.’ Gen.
35: 9-11.The word Almighty refers to blessing and multiplication. (More
than enough) - abundance. John
10:10, Jesus speaking about the one who supplies abundance of nourishment
for Spirit, Soul& Body. Moses related in Ex. 6:3 God was saying I
appeared to them as the God who is more than enough and I am speaking to
you, too.
Ps. 91:1 dwelleth means ‘to stake your claim,’ stake your claim
under the shadow of El Shaddai. Begin saying what you need God to be in
your situation: “He is more than enough to heal me. He is more than
enough to meet my financial need. He is more than enough to get my
children to repent. He is more than enough to put my marriage back
Live under the shadow of the knowledge of a God who is more than
enough. He will turn the natural things around so that you will come
through completely whole and completely blessed. Put your trust in the ALL
SUFFICIENT ONE. Gen.49:22-26. Jacob was saying, “Joseph, El Shaddai will
bless you abundantly and powerfully with all kinds of prosperity. You’ll
be prospered in every direction you take, because he is the god of
Fathers passed the Blessings of Almighty God unto their children,
because God’s promises were to their seed’s seed. God
said his seed would be blessed; he agreed with God and spoke it out loud.
Did it come to pass? Yes. Jacob shared one of his visions with Joseph.
Gen. 48:3-4.
Balaam was a man of God, but he was once a wizard. The King of Moab
afraid of Israelites, the King sent for Balaam and said ‘Curse those
Israelites, and I will pay a lot of money.’ Balaam consulted the Lord:
What should I do? The
Lord said, ‘Don’t you dare curse My People!' Balaam was tempted, would
have defeated the enemy with the WORD OF GOD. He went to the Lord again,
now the Lord said, “Balaam don’t you do anything until they call for
you in the Morning.”
Balaam thought, ‘I’m not going to wait around until morning.
And he left on his way to accept the King of Moab’s offer. God’s
directive Will is in His Word. He sent an angel and His donkey crushed his
foot against a stone wall and blocked his way. God was trying to change
Balaam’s mind about cursing the Israelites, but He will never force
anyone to do anything.
Balaam was threading in Satan’s territory. When Balaam arrived,
the King brought him to a Mountain top and said: “There are Israelites
that I want you to Curse.” So
Balaam started calling for enchantments but the demonic spirits would not
You’ll be amazed at what happened: Numbers 24:4. God placed a
vision on Balaam. El Shaddai stepped in and gave Balaam a supernatural
vision that opened his spiritual eyes. There was the Moabite King waiting
to hear Balaam curse the Israelites. Balaam said in Numbers 24:5-6.
“Speak of Him. Get to know him, and Trust Him as the All Sufficient
one.” Balaam
spoke the Wonderful Word of God; he prophesied “God is Not a Man that he
should lie, even Jacob’s Star which would lead the Wise Men to Jesus.”
God is so Wonderful, someone tried to curse God’s people but the
Lord turned it into a blessing. Balak tried three times, but all that
Balaam could do was prophesy good things over them. El
Shaddai – 48 times used, 30 times in the Book of Job. El Shaddai works
around total disaster. Job
staked his claim under the shadow of the almighty God, Heb. 10:23,
Gal.6:9, Is.5:11. Job didn’t faint, he reaped his reward. Naomi’s
reply to men was “Do not call me Naomi. Call me ‘Mara’, for the
Almighty has dealt bitterly with me.” She was saying I have been in a
bitter, ugly situation. But
Almighty God, the One who is more than enough in a bitter situation, can
turn it around and change it! Naomi used the name Almighty several times.
She found a daughter Ruth, she advised her and she married a man named
Boaz from the household of Naomi’s late husband. Those grandchildren
took on Naomi’s name.
And best of all, Obed – her grandchild in name - had a son named
Jesse. Jesse had a son named David. David was in the lineage of Jesus
Christ! A woman who had lost it all was Wonderfully blessed because she
knew El Shaddai and spoke of him with her mother.
Rev.16:7, 14, Rev. 19:15, the Almighty God who is More than Enough
will pour out more than enough wrath in the End-Time battle) Eph. 3:19-21,
Gen. 48:4, Jn. 15:2, 16.
reflects responsibility as His servants. The Lord wants to say something
special to you through this name. Knowing him as Adonai will help you in
making a deeper commitment to him.
Adonai is used 300 times in the Old Testament – Master, Owner,
Lord. Signifies ownership and our Responsibilities as being owned by God. Adonai
can be translated as plural & possessive, so it confirms the fact of a
Triune Godhead: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. When
used to describe men: Singular Word Adon
is used. God
– Adonai God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit involved in making this
Wonderful Name.
Ps.110:1, Acts 2:36, God as our Adonai is in the position of being
the Master, and we are His Purchased possession. Picture a relationship,
Exod. 21:1-6, Luke 22:42-44, by saying, “Not my Will, but Yours be
Done.” Jesus was saying, ‘I am more than his servant, I am a bond
slave to my Father’s will. I came here to complete My Father’s will,
so I am willing to be pierced.’ Jesus gave himself like a slave. Phil.
2:5-7, Zech.12: 10, 1 Cor.7:22. It’s in becoming a bond slave to Adonai
that you will be free in him! 2 Cor. 3:17, Job 28:8; Prov.9:10. Fear
– Reverence and respect of Him as your Master over Your Life. He wants
to Provide for you totally as well as protect and direct you, but you must
first use the wisdom that he lets him do that.
Make Adonai your Master! Revelation Knowledge of God’s Word and
Victory can only come to His children one way, when they put Adonai in the
place of control! Gen.15:2,
Exod.4:10; You’re the Master, and I’ll do it because You’re My
Owner, You’re My Protector and You give direction for my life! Joel
6:13-15. Gideon,
God wanted him to change his self image-put him over. God looks at you in
the Light of His Word. He sees you in the image of Jesus Himself. Adonai
wants you to be very, very VICTORIOUS. He
desires to raise up Calebs, full of God’s Spirit. (E)
personality:- 1.
He is the Revealing One, revealing his ways to you. 2.
He is eternal and changeless. 3.
He is a God of righteousness and holiness, who judges sin. 4.
He is the God who is full of mercy-our Redeemer. *
By calling Himself JEHOVAH JIREH, He is saying :
“I do not change – my ways do not change; therefore, I desire
to meet your needs, just as I met the needs of the children of Israel in
their exodus from Egypt.” PURPOSE: TO
him reveal himself to you in your existence and your environment to meet
your need. Say,
“That’s Adonai! He is my Father and My God!” Gen.
22:1-4, Abraham considered God above his circumstances & focused on
the Word. What
is a figure? It is a faith vision: Heb. 11:17-19. Abraham
lived according to Prov. 4:20-22. Abraham
didn’t let the WORD depart from his eyes. Gen.
26:4, Gen.13:16, Gen.32:12; You must hold fast to His Word -your
confidence – in order to see your reward. Your confidence has great
recompense of reward! It
has your children, what you’re to see in God’s WORD, saying: “...
the seed of the righteous shall be delivered” Prov. 11:21. And
you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Let
the WORD OF GOD deliver your children-keep it before you. Gen. 22:5, Hold fast your
confession of faith. Gen.
22: 6-8; Abraham was holding fast to the profession of his faith: for God
is faithful who promised Abraham’s words created a miracle so can your
words. Gen. 22:9-13. When
you pray, believe that you’ll see God’s provision. JEHOVAH
has seen ahead and made a provision to fill your need. When
you speak your faith, God creates what you are speaking. Gen. 22:14. Abraham
was saying, “On this mountain range of Moriah, the Lord Jesus Christ
shall be provided as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. Rev. 13:8, Jn.
8:56, Jn. 1:26,1 Pet. 1:18-20, Exod. 12:3-5, Rev. 5: 11, 12, Jesus has to
be your Savior, Lamb and Provision. Jesus is Your Lamb and he
is Your Lion. He is your Perfect Provision for all you shall ever need. Lamb
- died to free you from bondage. Lion
- All power is given to Jesus in heaven and in earth. Jehovah
M’Kaddesh – Jehovah who sanctifies. Bible
Reference: Lev. 20:7,8. It
shows the Lord as One who desires to set you apart by making your
personality one with his: Eph.4:1. Verb:
Sanctify means “to consecrate, to dedicate or to become holy.” Dan.
2:1-2, Dan. 2:47, Dan. 3:4-6, Dan.3:25. The
three Hebrew boys chose to eat lintel and vegetable instead of the Kings
meat, they were wiser than the children of Babylon and the Lord’s
Countenance shone on them. Daniel and other Hebrew
children had been placed in areas of leadership. God
must sanctify Our Spirits, Souls & Bodies, Dan. 4:34.
Nebuchadnezzar’s Spirit came in line with the Lord. 1
Thess. 4:3 You can sanctify yourself, through relying totally on Him in
everything! Exod.
13:1,2 You must be set apart to serve him in Spirit and in truth. Scriptures:
Lev. 19:2, Ps. 51:11, Exod. 15:11, Rev. 15:3-4, Col. 2 :9-10, 1 Pet.
1:15-16, 1 Pet. 2:9, 1 Cor. 6:11, Eph. 4:24, Is. 44:6, 1 Sam. 2:2, Ps.
27:4, Ps. 90:17, 2 Pet. 1:4. JEHOVAH
M’KADDESH desires you to be like him – set apart in His Own
righteousness and holiness. (G)
Nissi: Jehovah my Banner, he is my victory. *You
must see yourself as being only in him, with him, all things are possible.
Exod. 17:15 & Ex. 17:14-16. What
the devil tries to put in your life must be conquered and destroyed. If
you don’t kill it, it may return and kill you. Exod. 17:11-13 Moses was
holding up the banner of God that brought them Victory! Moses was carrying
a symbol of God’s presence. As long as God’s Presence was established
as the high Standard, the Israelites prevailed in battle. *Banner:
It was a bare pole with a bright and shining ornament that would glitter
in the Sun when held high in the air. The
word for banner actually means “to glisten, a pole or ensign, a
standard, or a miracle,” The banner of standard represented God’s
Cause. *Symbol
of His deliverance and Mighty Salvation that caused his people to be
Victor’s over their enemies. Declare:
God is the Victorious One in My Life. Eph.
6:11-17, Is. 13:2-4,11. You
are standing tall in the amour Jehovah Nissi - My Victor & Champion. 2
Tim. 2:3, Jehovah Nissi makes you a WARRIOR. Endure
means to hold onto God’s Word, to stand in faith. Allow
God’s strength to flow in you and in every circumstance, so that you
will overcome. Joshua
and Caleb saw their own true
images in God. “We are already Victorious because Jehovah-Nissi, our
Powerful Almighty God is here. YOU
CAN ONLY WIN THROUGH God’s strength and with his plan. Deut. 20: 3-4,
Ps. 118:6. Isaiah
declared Jesus Christ is the Rod Is. 11:1,10. The
Cross is not a sign of defeat it is a sign of Victory, Our Strength, which
he has already won. Heb. 13:5, Mt. 28:20, When
you place yourself in the Rod, you can be assured of Victory 1 John
5:4, Eph. 1 :20-21, Eph. 2:6, Rom. 8:31, Rom. 8:37. Jesus
is your banner - you go from strength to strength, from faith to faith and
from glory to glory in him, 1 Cor. 15:57, 2 Cor. 2:14. The
next time you see your face in the mirror, say, “I’m in Jesus Christ,
I‘m in Jehovah and He is in me. So, therefore, I’m a Victorious
One!” We are clothed with the
robe of His Own right standing with God Almighty. It’s a garment that
smells like Jesus when the Father looks at me, He sees me clothed in
Jesus. I have been given everything I need for Victory in Jesus Christ. (H)
Rophe: Jehovah heals or the Lord your health. Bible
Scripture: Exod.15:22,25,26. *You
will receive healing only by reading and meditating on God’s Word. You
must continuously feed upon His words of life, health and healing. Deut.
34:7 Why? Moses
was strong because he fed on God’s Word. It was Spirit and life to Him
because He believed and acted on the Word. Moses
trusted in Jehovah Rophe – God’s life and health was a personal
revelation to him and he received it for himself. Heb. 13:8, James 1:17.
King David declared in Ps. 103: 1-3 as Jehovah Rophe. Miriam
murmured against Moses, she got into the devils territory: Num. 12
:9-13,14-15. Moses
faith to ask for healing was mentioned by Love. Jer. 3:22. Jehovah Rophe -
health in every area of life. Isaiah
61:1-2, Luke 4 :18-19, Jer. 8 :22 .Gilead means Praise. Song
of Solomon 1:13, Jer. 30:17, Is. 30:26, Mt. 4:23, Jn. 4:13,14, Rev. 22:
17. Jehovah
Rophe - The Lord your health. (I)
Gideon (Judges 6) - inferiority Complex. David
could have peace because he ignored his own small stature and, instead,
considered God’s enormous stature. God gave Gideon peace
within his spirit before he ever won the battle. (Judges 6:23). God
wants you to make your peace, not the circumstances, Phil. 4:6-7, tells us
how peace works. Pray,
thank Him that His Provision has been made, let his peace keep you. Shalom is double peace in
the inner man & outer man. When God’s peace reigns in your heart,
you are whole. The word
Shalom can also mean “full” you are full, lacking nothing in Jesus
Christ! Shalom:
to pay or render. Peace
is God’s payment that says, “I don’t have to worry about the future,
because I know that His word has
paid for my provision.” Shalom - “PEACE,”
ISAIAH 9:6, JER.29:11, JAMES 1:17, ISAIAH 48:18. When
you obey the Word of God, you will have peace that flows from you like a
river, touching other people. Ps.
91:11 your heritage is peace. Is.
66:12 Peace like a river. One
night God told Gideon, “If you’re still afraid and you’re not full
of my peace, go and listen inside the enemy camp.”
He wasn’t feeling very peaceful, so he slipped in and listened
outside one of the Midianites tents. (Jud 17:13-14)
Gideon heard the enemy declare defeat. Zachariah
prophesied that this dayspring would guide our feet into the way of Peace,
(Luke 1:78).
Eph.6:15. He will give us wholeness, completeness & peace. Luke
2:14, Luke 19:42, Eph.2:17. Jesus
blood paid a precious price for your peace: Col. 3:15, Where
are you yielding your emotions: Peace of God or to worry? Let the Peace of
God Rule and Reign! You
are not to worry or be anxious, because Jehovah Shalom gave you peace. He
wants you to know that He is in divine control. Is. 26:3, Rom 8:6.
The root word for wicked – Restless. Don’t live in that
heritage of being carnally minded. Take your heritage of peace from
Jehovah Shalom. Is. 32:17. The
effect of righteousness is quietness and assurance forever. You have a
quiet spirit that dominates your soul with God’s peace!
Abraham called Melchisedek the “King of righteousness” and
“the king of Peace.” First,
he was righteousness, when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior; you
became the Righteousness of God in Him, according to His Word. Jesus is
made unto you righteousness. When Jesus clothed you with
His Own right standing with God. He gave you peace with God; you can have
peace in every situation. Jn.
14:27, 28, Lev. 26:3, 6, Num. 6:24-26, Mt. 11:28, 29, Phil. 4:7, Jn.
14:27. Jesus
is Peace; allow the Lord’s peace to take dominion of every circumstance
and situation that arise in your life. Gideon name changed to
Jerubbaal to Jerubbasheth - God hath put to shame God’s
peace will put every enemy to shame? Nothing
can shake you up when you’re walking surrounded in His Peace.
God’s Peace will preserve you in each and every circumstance.
Trust Him. Jehovah
Tsidkenu means Jehovah, our righteousness. Name
appears in a prophecy to Jeremiah: 23:5-6. Wrong
confession: Is. 64:6. All this changed when we came to Jesus. Begin
to see yourself in right standing with God. Righteousness
means the quality of being right. 2 Chron. 36:16. The weeping prophet
identified with the people. Jer 23:5, 6. Tsedek = to be stiff or straight or a full weight
or measure toward God in the spiritual sense. Ps.
51:16-17. Jehovah is Perfect Righteousness, Ps 119:142-144, 1
Tim.1:15, Jer. 17:9, Job 25:4. You may do good things but sin is still in your
spirit, meet Jehovah Tsidkenu. The Lord who will be your righteousness. No
other person could ever redeem you. Ps 49:7. *
Covering you spiritually with Robes: Is.61:10. He
was saying, “There is a Messiah coming who will be righteous himself. He
will make righteous by clothing me in His Own righteousness, He’ll
exchange my filthy rags for a beautiful robe of righteousness.” 2
Cor 5:17, 18, 21. Declare:
“I am the righteousness Of God.” Eph.
4:24, 25 actively to receive Jesus’ righteousness. Declare
each day: “I am a new man, I’m a new creation. I’m the righteousness
of God in Christ Jesus.” Jesus exchanged his righteousness; our pasts are as
filthy rags. There
is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, became they are
clothed in His right standing with God. Say
to yourself, “I am partaking of the Lord’s divine nature, which has
sinned. I am partaking of His righteousness.“ God
no longer looks at you through your sins. Now He looks at you through the
Righteousness of His Son, Jesus Christ. James 5:16. Declare:
Spirit, Soul & Body start acting like your Father Jehovah Tsidkenu. Gal.
2:20 (past sins forgiven). 1
Cor. 6:17. Jesus is Wisdom & righteousness. 1
Cor. 15:5. 1 John 1:9, Repentance brings cleansing. 1
Cor. 15:34 Manasseh evil King prayed & Repented. Manasseh
total change towards Godly rulership. Phil.
2:5 (righteous mind) Prodigal
son (robe (best) – you came to Jesus; Father gives you the best robe. One
that wears his Righteousness. God takes prodigals – those who have spent all He
has given them and have ripped up their privileges and he cleanses them
and clothes them in His righteousness. That is what you are clothed in,
and it came out of heaven’s wardrobe. Paid by Jesus’ blood. You’re
Victorious – Jesus gave you his own Righteousness. The Righteous Robe gives you play Power, pray up a
storm, because you have a force & strength to bring the tremendous
results – His Righteousness. Pray in it, walk in it, and live in the
beautiful robe that was bought for you by Jehovah Tsidkenu. Jehovah Tsidkenu – reveals fullness of the
measure of our acceptance in the presence of God. You are now dressed in
Jesus Himself by His wonderful spirit in righteousness- a free gift. Rom.
6:17, 18, Rom. 10:34, 1 Cor. 1:30, Is. 53:11. (K)
Rohi: The Lord my shepherd. When
you study this name, think of the Lord as your shepherd, who wants you to
know His will. Ps.23 (personalize the Word). You
can know the WILL OF GOD because Jesus (Shepherd) lives inside of you. He
wants you to know what His will is for you. Rohi
- to feed. 1)
1st. used when Joseph fed the flock with his brothers.
Gen. 37:2, Gen. 47:3, 4. 2)
Rohi: the relationship between a prince (leader) and his people. 2
Sam. 5:2. 3)
Rohi signify “the relationship between a priest, or prophet and
his people.” Rohi
to lead away from folly & judgment. Prov. 15:14, Is. 44: 20, Hos.
12:1, Ezek. 34:16 (Rohi - feeding refers to). Rohi:
Companionship or friend. Jesus
Our Great Shepherd & we are very intimate with Him; we are joint heirs
with him. Rom. 8:17, Ex.33:11.
Jesus is your friend that sticks closer than a brother – that is
your Rohi relationship with him. Everything the Shepherd is to the sheep,
Jehovah Rohi is toward you Is.
40:10,11. Gen. 49:24, Ex. 29:4. The
word dwell in Hebrew is shakan – the glorious presence of God. You
have the Glory of Jehovah living within you. When you look at yourself,
see His glory. Ps.
139:2, Jn. 10:11 Good = appealing. When
you let the image of your Good Shepherd shine through, he’ll make you
IRRESISTIBLE. Jn. 12:32, Ezek. 34: 11,12,14-16. Jesus = the sacrificial
lamb (according how much time sheep spends with Shepherd - intimacy). Mercy
= checed: to climb into someone’s skin and look out his eyes, hear out
of his ears and feel what he feels. Jn. 1:29 (Jesus walked in the flesh),
Jn. 10:10,11,14, Rev. 7: 15-17. He
is inside of you to lead, feed and keep you from trouble. Elijah
and Ahab: 1 Kings 18:26-28, 36-38, Rebellion
– worship idols Baal (Jezebel) - closed heavens. Jehovah Rohi told Elijah go
to Mt. Horeb – fresh inspiration. Manifestations
of wind, earthquake and fire, God said, Elijah, I am the still, small
voice, I am the Word inside you, and that is how I will guide you. Quit
looking for huge, outward manifestations. Just look to my word inside you,
Ps. 119: 11. Your image in Jesus is that
you are filled with the knowledge of his will. He
desires to keep us in his perfect will. Confess:
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. Heb.
13:20,21; 1 Pet. 2:25, 1 Pet. 5:4, Jn. 10:14-16. JEHOVAH
SHAMMAH: Jehovah
Shammah: Jehovah is there. Ezekiel
48:35, Ps. 137:5, 6, Gen. 3:8, the people of God was in captivity. We were
created for God’s pleasure and to be in his presence. Jehovah
Shammah wants to have fellowship with you. He is present and alive in you.
God spoke to Enoch, Abraham & Moses. Ex.
25:8,22, 1 Kings 8:11,22, 6: 15-16.They rebuilt the temple when they
returned to home land. No
matter where you are, God is there. He is Jehovah Shammah, keep his
pledge. He will never leave nor forsake you, because his presence is
within you. Herod rebuilt Zerubabel’s temple in splendor and with great
wealth but God’s presence left. He hated God. 1 Cor. 3:16, 2 Cor. 6:16,
Col. 1:27, 2 Cor. 5:1, Is. 63:9. Glory relates to Shekinah,
which means to live in you. (2 Cor. 6:16). Where
does God’s presence go? It goes where you go. When is his presence with
you? When you sleep, when you wake up, walk, work or eat. No matter where
you go, Jehovah is there. Eph. 2:21, 22. My citizenship is in
heaven: Rev. 21: 1-3, Rev. 5:13, Forever we will dwell with Jehovah
is there: Ps. 16:9,11, 1 Cor. 3: 6, Mt. 28:19,20, Eph. 2:19-22. (L)
Elyon: the God Most High or the Mighty One Most High. Root
word alah: to ascend, go up, climb, exalt. There
is no God that is higher than the Most High God. His
name is exalted, so marvelous; there is no other name to compare with this
name. Untouchable
in quality and incomprehensible in dominion and might. Is.
14: 13-14. Five times Satan
says I will. I
will take the place of El Elyon, the Most High God. But El Elyon turns
around in the next verses and gives five “you will” declarations to
show that He is truly the Most High God. Is. 14: 15-20. Numbers
chapter 24 versus sixteen, Balaam could not curse because the Most High is
above all evil. El Elyon’s word is victory. Gen.
14:18-22. The God who lifts his children higher than any problem they can
encounter. He
is the God who is higher than our lack, higher than our diseases, and even
higher than our in-laws. The ability of his name is greater than any other
name in existence. Dan.
2:47-48. We
start with purpose and prayer, and then we move to perception and power. Daniel
4:24, 25. Repent
and give glory to the Most High and the evil will be removed. God
is always going to be the Most High. No
one challenges that position and comes out winning. Daniel
4:34, he lifted his eyes and blessed El Elyon. Psalms
eighteen versus thirteen to seventeen reveals El Elyon as our voice of
victory. Psalms 21:7 says that our security and stability rest in the Most
High. Psalms
57:2 states he performs and accomplished all things on our behalf. Psalms
78:35 El Elyon and Jesus are the same, the Most High God is called
Redeemer. Psalms
82:6 calls us Children of the Most High God. Psalms
91:1-9 promises He is our secret shelter and abiding place. He lifts us up
with him and desires us to live and to be our ‘habitator’. Phil.
2:5-9, Eph. 1:22-23. We are far above every demon power and evil
circumstance in existence (Eph. 2:6). Meditate
and see yourself seated with Christ. Put all other names under your feet
and stomp on it. Gen.
14:18-22, Ps. 7:17, Ps. 47:2, Ps.57: 2, Ps. 78:56, Ps. 83:18, Dan. 4:17. (M)
the realm of the spirit, we hold the status and rank of a member in the
army of the lord – Jehovah Tsebaoth – The Lord Of Hosts. Tsebaoth,
Hebrew root word tsaba: verb & noun. Verb
form: tsaba: to wage war, broader sense to render service to God. This
is a service of total dedication and careful regimentation associated with
spiritual warfare and worship. The noun form of tsaba
means “armies, host or multitudes.” This
word expresses myriads-a vast sea of varying ranks and individuals under
God’s command. Gen.
2: 1, Ps. 147:4, Judges 4. Jehovah
TSEBAOTH said to Deborah: “Go get your general, Barak, and tell him to
fight against Sisera, if necessary I will move the stars in the heavens to
give you a victory.” Second Kings chapter
twenty: verse one, second Kings twenty verse three, second Kings 21 verse
eleven, Joshua ten verse twelve, Psalm 68 verse seventeen, Psalms 103:21,
Hebrews 1:14. In
the name of Jesus, I call the angels from the north to south, east and
west to minister on my behalf. Example:
King Hezekiah: second Kings eighteen: five. In
all that you do, always, always remember remain faithful to the Lord Jesus
Christ to the very end. 2
Kings: 18:14, 2 Kings 19:35, Ps. 34:7, Dan. 6:20, 22. Accusers
thrown into lion’s den. Dan. 6: 24. Example:
Elisha and the Syrian army 2 Kings 6:12, 18. 1
Kings 16:33, Ahab introduced Baalism to the Northern Kingdom and
sanctioned it as the state’s religion. A drought and famine were
sent by God to discipline the people for their idolatry: 1 Kings 17: 1. Jehovah
Tsebaoth Lord of the feathered host. He is Lord of the animal hosts. Is.
11:6. I
resist you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Sam. 17:47) Jehovah
Tsebaoth hosts are an awesome display of His Power and ability. And He
sees each of us as unique individuals with magnificent qualities and
attributes-loyal and dedicated to Him and Him alone. Under Jehovah Tsebaoth’s
command, you are a mighty warrior of great authority and ability through
Jesus Christ. He has made you more than a Conqueror. Jehovah Tsebaoth Gen.
2:1,1 Sam. 1: 3, Neh. 9:6, Ps. 46:7, Ps. 103:21, Is. 6:3, Is. 40:26, Jer.
11:20, Zec. 14:21, Rom. 9 :29, James 5:4. (N)
being born again without shape but the Lord began to mould us and shape us
according to His word, so that we would fit perfectly into our place in
the Body. Jehovah
Makkeh - The Lord Our Smiter. Purpose:
To shape and perfect us into smooth, lively stones that are molded
together and operate in a unified manner. Ps.
51:17, If we are not willing to be broken, to surrender our wills to Him,
so he can mould us into place, then we will be crushed. By
whom? The devil and our circumstances. Training and chastening
come from God’s hand. When the devil tries to crush us with
circumstances we can fall upon the Rock, Jesus Christ and find a way to
surmount the very difficulties that are trying to overwhelm us. Ps. 1:1, Amos 3:3, 2 Chron.
25:7-8. Amaziah had warriors but advice was given, he paid money for
soldiers (2 Chron. 25:14, 16). Amaziah
hardened his heart and refused correction. (Is.
53:4, Ezek. 7:9, Ezek. 22:13, Zech. 13:7, Mal. 4:6, Ezek. 7:9, Ez. 9:5,6
). God
will defend and protect anyone who will keep his or her heart open to him.
Prov. 19:25, God trains only with His Word. Ps. 141:5, Accept Godly
counsel & you will see the miraculous. (Is. 53:4, 5, Is. 53:10). It
pleased God to smite Jesus rather than us. Jesus
has come between anything that would try to crush you: Zech. 13:7, Mt.
26:31. Do you allow Jesus to enter
your difficult situations? If you try to carry it, you will be crushed. Exod. 15:22-27: Jesus
accepted all the bitter situations on a tree-the Cross. He was smitten for
us and if we allow Jehovah Makkeh to enter our situations, he will make
them sweet. He desires for our image to
rest in his Son Jesus Christ. Jehovah
Makkeh, the Lord, Our Smiter, also took our “correction” on the Cross.
God smote Jesus with our sins, griefs and sorrows so that we wouldn’t
have to be smitten with them. Cast
our burdens on the Lord Jesus who cares, allow Jehovah Makkeh to do his
perfect work in you today. (O)
Gmolah - The Lord of Recompenses. To
recompense means “to repay, to reward, and to compensate.” Jer.
51:56, 70 years later Babylon sieged by Medes & Persians. (Exod. 2:6,
Heb. 11:26, Heb. 10:35, Heb. 11:6).Decisions determine destiny. Giving (Rom.
11:35) Your giving will be recompensed to you. Prov. 12:14. Holy
Living always brings rewards from Jehovah Gmolah. (Prov. 11:31). Reward
us for what we sow into our children. Jer. 32:18, Eph. 6:4. Sow
well into your children-enroll them in Christian Schools, speak the Word
to them, pray with them, take them to Church-because you’ll receive an
abundant reward. Reverse Eph. 6:4, Heb.
2:2,3. If
we refuse the word and sow evil, we will reap that too, James 1:15, Job
15: 31 (Vanity) Appearances-central focus, sowing into vanity, vengeance
Deut. 32:35, 41, 43. Recompense
and vengeance belong to the Lord. Allow
God to bring reconciliation. Allow God to take vengeance and bring
reconciliation into your situations. Rom. 12:19 (wrath) Ruth
2:2, 12, Col. 3:18-24. Obey
God’s word and receive a great reward. Deut. 32:35, Prov. 20:22,
Jer.32:18, Jer. 51:56, Rom. 12:17-19, Heb. 10:30. (P)
JEHOVAH ELOHAY El-Elohe-Israel Jehovah
Eloheenu. Jehovah
Elohay: the Lord, my God (Deliver us from trials). El–Elohe-Isreal:
the personal God of Israel. Jehovah Eloheenu: the Lord our God of fiery
circumstances. 1
Pet. 4:12, Our faith in God brings Victory. 1
Pet. 1:7, I can call upon Jehovah Elohay, El–Elohe Israel or Jehovah
Eloheenu to rescue me in my circumstances. Is.
43:2: God is able to deliver us from every trial and He is also able to
deliver us through every trial. Dan. 3:24-29, Heb. 11:34, Judges 6:15. Jehovah
Elohay, call upon him and he will empower you to overcome the enemy. Even
with meager weapons: lamps, pitchers & trumpets. (Judges 7:20). When I call upon Jehovah
Elohay, he will perform the miraculous for you. Judges
13: 3, 5 (40 years he raised up a deliverer) (Judges
13:8,9, Judges 16:28,30) - El–Elohe Israel –The Personal God of Israel
- to rescue that person from the destruction, we can replace the Name of
Israel for the person we are interceding for. E.g.
El Elohe CHANGRA: the personal God of CHANGRA. Jacob first called upon El
Elohe Israel, Jacob’s circumstances were changed and his life
transformed. Jacob between two enemies.
(Gen. 32:11,26,28).Jacob (supplanter) transformed to Israel (Prince). El-Elohe-Isreal
to rescue them from flames, Jude 23. Jehovah
Eloheenu, when the Body of Christ is under attack .To receive a
miracle-global vision: 1 Cor. 3:13, Anything that survives God’s fire
will come out like gold. Exod.
24: Aaron and Hur were to assume leadership. Exod.
24:18, Exod. 33:3-4, Exod. 32:5, Image worship led to immortality, Exod.
33:3. Moses
interceded to Jehovah Eloheenu (Psalms 103:7). Moses knew God face to
face. We
need to know God in all aspects of his power - He is our Healer, Creator
and Deliverer. But we must know God personally - as our friend and adoring
Heavenly Father. Take time every day to
cultivate your relationship with Jehovah Elohay, “the Lord my God.”
Allow him to reveal his Character and the essence of His being to you. As
you grow in relationship, soon you will be able to expand your faith to
pray to El-Elohe-Isreal and assume an integral role in helping relieve
other’s suffering. Finally, seriously consider
your relationship with Jehovah Eloheenu, “the Lord our God.” Allow him
to expand your vision to grasp his plan for the Body of Christ. You’ll
be marvelously blessed as you receive answers to prayer for your church,
your city and even your nation. Jehovah
Elohay Scriptures:
Josh. 7:7-8, Jud. 6:15, Jud. 13:8, Ps. 16:2. El-Elohe-Isreal Scriptures:
Gen.33:18-20. Jehovah
Eloheenu Scriptures:
Deut. 1:6, 19, 20.
Deut. 2:33, 36.
Deut. 5:24.
Deut. 6:4. Deut. 29:29.
module will be based on Sacrifices of Praise, when you learn this secret
Satan will never again be able to defeat you! The
contents of this module are as follows: 3.
is one of the most effective tools in the Spirit Realm to annihilate the
works of the enemy. When we begin to praise and worship the Lord ,we are
not just making noise but we are engaging in Spiritual Warfare where we
are tearing down the principalities and powers of the air that have built
strongholds and fortresses in the heavenlies. There
is a shaking and a quaking that is taking place in the Kingdom of
Darkness. Chains begin to break as Ministering Angels begin to war in the
Heavenlies with your Hallelujahs and Praise the Lord and Thank You Jesus
etc. When you learn to praise God…offering up sacrifices of praise unto
Him… …no matter how
impossible your situation or problems appear to be… …no matter how
discouraged and defeated you may feel… …you are making room
for God to work for you! Remember
this is God’s Word to you as his child: Satan will never, ever again be
able to defeat you! Why?
Because you will learn the secret of offering up the sacrifices of praise
to God. God
cannot come in and work for you until you begin to praise Him for the
answer. KEY
TEXT: PSALMS 34:1; PSALMS 145:10-12. Praise
is much more than just speaking words. It is not something done lightly or
halfheartedly. It is worship unto God, an expression of thanksgiving and
praise from the heart. First of all, for who He is, and then for all His
manifold blessings and all that He has done for us.
Praise involves more than just lifting our hands and praising God
during our worship services. Offering praise to God should be a way of
life. Throughout the day, in everything we do, we should be praising God.
The mighty warrior King David wrote: I
will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my
34:1 We
are to praise Him at all times! That means when things are going well, as
well as when they are going bad and it seems everything is crashing in on
us from every side. We are to offer up praise to Him when we are happy and
blessed, as well as when we are sad and walking through a time of great
testing and trial.
Our mouths are to be filled continually with praises unto God…
for His faithfulness…His mercy…His love…His provision…His
blessings…His protection…His healing…all His works…for all He has
done and continues to do for us.
In our homes, on the job, at the market-place, driving, wherever we
are to speak forth his marvelous praises! David
said, All
thy works shall praise thee, O LORD; and thy saints shall bless thee. They
shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power; To make
known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his
Psalms 145:10-12 3.
TEXT: PSALMS 100: 2, 4 God
inhabits …dwells…in the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3).As you fill
your mouth with His praises and begin to praise Him, you bring His
presence into your midst. You are able to enter into His very Presence as
He draws near to you. David
said, Serve
the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing .Enter into
his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful
unto him, and bless his name.
100:2, 4 As
you praise Him, you are entering the very throne room of God, the inner
court of His Presence …the intimate communion place where you are
ministering unto Him through your praise and thanksgiving.
When we offer up praises from our hearts, it ascends unto God as a
sweet smelling savor. He is blessed and delights to hear his people lift
up His Name and glorify Him, not only in church during times of worship,
but among the people of the world as a testimony of His greatness and
majesty. KEY
TEXT: GENESIS 8:21 After
the earth was destroyed by the flood, the first thing Noah did was to
build an altar and offer up a sacrifice of praise unto God for His mighty
deliverance in sparing their lives.
the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will
not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake.
8: 21 When
God saw the sacrifice of praise Noah offered up unto Him, His heart was
moved. He entered into a covenant with Noah and blessed him and all his
TEXT: PSALMS 50:23; 2 CHRONICLES 20:15, 17-19. The
sacrifice of praise is praise that is offered up regardless of the
circumstances you are facing …when you don’t feel like it…when it
looks like God’s Word isn’t true …when it seems you are being
attacked in every possible way. As you begin to offer a sacrifice of
praise, it opens the way for God to work on your behalf.
has said, He
who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way so that
I may show him the salvation of God.
Psalm 50: 23 NIV God
wants to bring you to such a position of strength that even in the
greatest trials and testings you face, when it seems everything is falling
apart and your problems seem insurmountable…you will be able to look the
enemy in the eye and offer up praise to God, knowing He will deliver you.
One of the greatest examples of a sacrifice of praise is when the
children of Israel went out into battle against the Moabites and Ammonites
and their allies.
Go with me onto the battlefield. The armies of Judah were greatly
outnumbered. A
vast multitude had gathered together and had joined forces against them to
destroy them.
As they looked at this formidable army arrayed with all their
weapons, they became afraid. King Jehoshophat proclaimed a fast throughout
all Judah. All the people, including women and children, even out of all
the cities of Judah, gathered themselves together to fast and pray and
seek God for Him to deliver them.
In the natural, there was no possible way they would be able to
face this great army and defeat them.
Their only hope was the supernatural intervention of God upon their
As they fasted and prayed, God heard them and spoke through the
prophet Jahaziel, and said, Be
not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle
is not yours, but God’s. Ye shall not need to fight in this battle : set
yourselves , stand ye still , and see the salvation of the LORD with you,
O Judah and Jerusalem : fear not, nor be dismayed ; to morrow go out
against them: for the LORD will be with you.
2 Chronicles 20: 15, 17 When
the people heard the word of the Lord spoken through the prophet, they
believed it and began to praise God with a loud voice. …
and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell before the LORD,
worshipping the LORD. And the Levites, of the children of the Kohathites,
and of the children of the Korhites, stood up to praise the LORD God of
Israel with a loud voice on high.
Chronicles 20: 18-19 The
following day when they marched out into battle, they were not depending
upon their own military might or strength, but upon God’s word that He
would fight their battle for them. Jehoshophat did not gather together his
mightiest warriors and place them on the frontline of the battle, but he
appointed singers to go before the army to praise the Lord. 6.
TEXT: 2 CHRONICLES 20: 21-22. God
defeated the enemy and gave them the spoils! The
army of Israel marched out onto the battlefield singing praises unto God!
What an awesome scene it was. In the natural, all the odds were against
Israel. They were greatly outnumbered. It was totally impossible for them
to win this battle. They faced certain defeat and death at the hands of
their enemies.
As they began to march, their voices lifted together and resounded
across the battlefield, “Praise the LORD; for his mercy endureth for ever!” (2
Chronicles 20:21).
As they faced the vast armies gathered together to destroy them,
they offered a sacrifice of praise. When they began to praise God for the
victory, God began to move on their behalf.
when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushments against
the children of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, which were come against
Judah; and they were smitten.
Chronicles 20:22
that God is asking you to take is ACTION…Are you willing to be OBEDIENT
… In
spite of what your conditions appear to be?
When they began to praise Him, it made room for God to work on
their behalf. But it wasn’t until they began to praise Him that God
intervened, set ambushments, and turned the enemy into their hands.
As Israel began to praise God, their enemies were thrown into
confusion and turned upon one another. They fought against each other
until they were all destroyed. None escaped! God not only defeated their
enemies, He gave them the spoils which were so great it took them three
days to gather it all! 7.
about the circumstances you are facing. What is the enemy trying to use to
defeat you? The
enemy came to steal, kill and destroy all that is good, pure and perfect
in the sight of the LORD. The enemy seeks to gain a stronghold on your
finances and every other area in your life as a believer, so that you will
reach the point of giving up all hope that you will ever get out of debt
or the situations you think are hopeless.
You may be unemployed with no source of income. Your situation may
appear impossible. In the natural, there is nothing more that you can do
…you have exhausted every possible natural resource. Your only hope is
for God to intervene on your behalf.
You may be facing problems in your family for which there is no
answer in the natural. Your marriage may be on the verge of divorce. You
may have children who are rebellious, a son or daughter who has become
addicted to drugs; a husband or wife who is bound by alcohol; unsaved
loved ones who desperately need the Lord.
It may be you are suffering from a long term sickness or physical
sickness or physical handicap. You may have a disease that is considered
incurable. You may be in constant pain and there is nothing that can be
done to relieve it.
of how desperate your circumstances may be or how impossible they may seem
to you, as you begin to offer up sacrifices of praise unto God, you will
be making room for God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, together
with the army of Angels to work on your behalf. Just as God delivered the
children of Israel out of the hands of her enemies, brought confusion upon
them and defeated them, as you continually speak forth praises of God, He
will put the enemy to confusion and supernaturally work on your behalf to
meet your every need. 8.
TEXT: HEBREWS 13:15 TAB, ACTS 16: 25-26 Whatever
crisis you are facing begin to offer the sacrifices of praise unto God. If
you are facing a financial crisis, begin to offer financial sacrifices of
praise unto God for breaking the enemy’s chains on your finances, even
though you may be at the point of bankruptcy, or at the point of
hopelessness and despair.
If you are facing sickness in your body begin to offer up healing
sacrifices of praise unto God for breaking the enemy’s chains over your
health, even though in the natural realm you may be deteriorating, keep
giving the Lord praises.
Every day,
continue to praise and worship God for meeting your financial needs,
healing needs etc… regardless of the circumstances or how desperate and
hopeless your situation may seem.
Apostle Paul told the Hebrews: Through
Him (JESUS) therefore let us constantly and at all times offer up to God a
sacrifice of praise , which is the fruit of
lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name.
Hebrews 13: 15 TABS This
is the key to your victory in whatever circumstances you may be facing
today. Paul knew the power that is released as we keep praise upon our
lips and continually offer up praises to God even during times of great
trial. Beaten…bleeding…thrown
into a dark dungeon…chained to the stocks…what did he do? He
began to offer up a sacrifice of praise! And
at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the
prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that
the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors
were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed.
16: 25-26 As
Paul and Silas prayed and praised God, God supernaturally intervened and
delivered them from that prison cell! 9.
you take this Step of Faith and begin to cultivate a life of praise
…continually offering up sacrifices of praise at all times…in all your
circumstances…it will make room for God to supernaturally intervene and
work on your behalf.
Remember, God didn’t move on behalf of the armies of Israel until
they began to praise. God
didn’t send the earthquake to deliver Paul and Silas until they began to
God is waiting for you to begin to praise Him so that he can begin
to work on your behalf! As you learn to keep the praises of God
continually upon your lips and offer up sacrifices (offerings) of praise
unto God, God’s word to you is that …Satan will never…ever be able
to defeat you again! In
the year 2003, I was facing tremendous stress in completing one of my
computer assignments for the University of London. My mom and I decided to
offer to God the sacrifices of praise by singing “ We have the Victory
in Jesus Name and I went into the Enemy’s Camp and took back what he
Stole from Us” , after an hour the phone rang and my mentor in
Information Representation offered a helping hand towards me. By
God’s Grace I not only handed up my assignment on time but I also earned
an A+ grade in the course examination .In 2005 my Final year, I was very
At the beginning of the 1st exams Differential Equations
to my last, Optimization; I started to vomit and had stomach problems, but
each day while going for the exams I had Prophetic Warfare Praises being
played in my car and I would sing loudly.
I was fully aware of the power of Praise and worship and continued
to press on in high Praises. I
went to my doctor after a couple of weeks and he confirmed to me that I
was in excellent health. In October 2005, I
received my results from the University of London which stated I graduated
with 1st. Class Honors in Mathematics, Computing &
Statistics all because of offering up Sacrifices of Praise unto God which
paralyzed the enemy and routed his demons against me in Jesus name. I
give all the Glory to the LORD JESUS CHRIST and ALL THE PRAISES GO BACK TO
the Body of Christ was to ever learn the art of Sacrifices of Praise,
there would be no demonic power to hold back what God Almighty has
ordained for his people & what God Almighty can do within his Blood
washed Saints who are redeemed by His Precious Blood. The Church will walk in
such power and victory; the world would be astonished at Presence and
dignity of God over us his saints. My Prayer is that You
would rise up and offer to the Lord a heart full of Praise daily and Glory
in His Holy Name.
exhort you, in the Name of the Lord, fellow Christians; there is
absolutely nothing that is impossible to Our Matchless Powerful God. Keep the high praises of
God upon your lips. Offer up a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to
God. Praise Him regardless of the circumstances you face and regardless of
how you feel. Praise Him continually!
This module will be based on Discerning Seasons of change in the Realm of the Spirit {Ecc. 8:5} with respect to our lives and its contents will be as follows: 2. DISCERNING TIMES AND
The only place where time becomes
your friend is in the Spirit realm. People who live in the spirit know how
to work and walk with time.
Gen 1:1 Time matures and heals. A spirit-filled man can walk in
step with God and work the works of God without stress or strain. He
understands time. Time means stability and nurturing. Time expands and
deepens our insight. When we walk with time, we walk with patience.
Walking securely in the timing of God alleviates fear. There is no
fear or doubt in the proper timing of God. Godly timing produces courage,
boldness, security and strength, Job 24:1. If you stay close to the Lord,
you will be able to move according to His seasons. It is important for us
to follow the leading in our Spirit. This kind of obedience only comes
from seasons of prayer and intercession. Prayer alerts your spirit to the
commands of Heaven. It causes your inner man to take precedence over your
mind, resulting in the right action at the right time. Mark 14:41, Ecc.
8:5. Some in the Body of Christ launch out too soon and have aborted their
entire ministries because of lack of divine preparation purposes and have
launched out too soon.
Many have aborted their entire ministries because they were not
equipped to handle the trouble they encountered. We need to know when to
go and when to stay, when to speak and when to remain silent. It is our
goal to hit accurately the timing of God so that Heaven can reap the
benefit of a full and bountiful harvest. 2. DISCERNING TIMES AND
SEASONS KEY TEXT: Luke 12: 54-56; Luke 9: 60. We
live in a new day, a new spiritual time. You cannot spiritually progress
living in past times and moves of God anymore than you can have growth in
your natural life, while living in the past. We are to learn from the
past, but we are not to live there. We are to live in the present and lock
into the future. It is the season to reap the harvest, to hear from
heaven, we can reap the full potential of souls, declare the works of God
in the nations. The
church needs to regain sensitivity to repentance. Demons know the spiritual time. {Mat 8:29} If the Devil, his
angels, and demons know time, then certainly the Body of Christ should set
themselves to know divine timing.
New Testament transition: Luke 4:16. God arranges situations in his
timings, if we do not get in his way. Luke 4:18, 19, 21. Listeners miss
their day of visitation because they clung to the past time of God. They
had grown to understand the past and were comfortable there.
Mat 3:2. John was a proclaimer of
the timings of God in that day. Mat 3:11; John 1:30, 31-34; John 3:30.
John, the Baptist, did not fight to stay in charge of the hour. He let
Jesus take over. We need to have an awareness not only that times and
seasons do change, but we need to know when they change and whether we
need to increase or decrease.
changes the times and seasons. Dan. 2:21. Move with God and what he is
doing. Jer. 29:4-14. Daniel in Babylon – God’s season for pruning,
rebellion and idolatry off his people through exile and life in a strange
Land. Yielding to the judgment- as God told them to do- would have allowed
them to use the time of captivity for genuine repentance and changing of
their ways. Ecc. 8:5 An immature Christian will cherish something beyond
its time. A mature Christian will be joyful over the changes because it is
according to God’s divine will. Mature Christians know God will never
bring us down – no matter how it looks. He always brings those who love
and serve him up to a better place.
Spiritual Hunger: An
important characteristic that causes God to take us from one season to
another. The Pharisees desired in their minds, their Messiah fit their own
scenario. They missed him. Spiritual hunger is one of the most powerful
instincts in the Spirit Realm because it is tied to the survival to our
spiritual walk. As we continue to prepare our hearts, God will continue to
mature his leaders and proclaimers. By staying in the word of God and
prayer, we will continue to sharpen our sensitivity so that we can excel
into maturity. Change of time/ seasons is exciting to those who are hungry
for the Spirit of God. 3. A TIME FOR
have the ability, by our spirits, to speak the correct words at the
correct time. By speaking the right words at the right time, it would
refresh, rearrange and encourage those who hear.
Right timing of God will produce an atmosphere in which we can
release the revelation inside of us. But if we speak out in the wrong
timing, our words produce a counter – reaction in the hearts and minds
of the people.
New songs or old songs, it is the spirit we sing them out of that
counts. We must learn from the unction or we become religious. There is an
anointing for certain actions and operations. Lord teach us to operate from the
unction, for it will lead to Godly results every time. 4. PITFALLS OF THE WRONG
people do not move with God’s timing for them, they are vulnerable to
the traps and temptations of the enemy. David ended up in this story as an
adulterer and a murderer, because he did not go with the right time.
Missing God’s timing is almost as dangerous as deliberately being
disobedient. What it means is that God walks
on, and you are not under the shelter of his wings to one degree or
another. He will never leave us, but we quite often walk away from Him. He
is still our Father, yet we are not in the close fellowship necessary to
be in tune with Him. When we are not in tune, or sensitive to the spirit,
we do not hear Him as clearly when he warns us of things to come, Hos. 4:6
God’s timing might destroy him, almost did exactly that.
Pride: 2Samuel 11:2, when we are not sensitive to the timing of
God, peace leaves and restlessness comes. When we are out of the will and
timing of God, our mind is not on the things of Heaven. Uncontrolled
desire and normalcy leaves. It almost seems as if common sense is nowhere
to be found. Extreme behavior patterns surface, because the desire has
become so great that the sense of right and wrong has been numbed.
Uncontrolled desire has blinded them from the timing and relationships of
God. Results
averted from accurate timing. The sign of a mature Christian is his
ability to walk accurately in God’s timing. Revelation must be released
in accuracy of time. Everything the Holy Spirit gives you belongs in a
sequence of His timing. We must speak out of the unction of spirit, which
will keep us in step in timing. Don’t prophesy to anyone unless you have
the anointing from the Holy Spirit to do so. There must be a divine stirring
inside of you. His prophecies are meant to begin a work immediately when
they are received.
Prophets must remain sensitive to the timing of God. The prophetic
unction gives you power to speak out the Word of God in a high-ranking
force with divine authority. It carries weight and rearranges the thoughts
and directions we are walking.
It is time for the prophetic anointing to be manifested in the five
fold offices. Timing with praise and worship is
essential. There is coming a prophetic anointing on praise and worship.
Loving comfort: If you are not surrounded by those who can sharpen
you like iron, you are being set up for a great fall. Learning to walk
with God’s timing means responsibility and an amount of pressure. 1John
2:16 I have learned to live my life according to the timing of God and the
calling upon my life. Christians, who are single, particularly need to
look for God’s timing in connection with marriage.
A heart for the people: 2Sam 11:25, Num 20. God takes the people
and the representation of his heart towards them very seriously.
Judges 6:12-14, 16. When leadership and believers have a heart for
one another, a unity comes that cannot be penetrated by the works of
darkness. The Body of Christ, when unified in heart, is invincible. John
13:1 Whatever God had called you to do, be it to lead or to follow, do it
with a heart for the people. 5. BLESSINGS OF THE RIGHT
TIMING KEY TEXT: Num. 16:3, Eph. 4:11-18, Est. 2:13,15,17, Est. 4:14,16, Est.
9:13, Est. 8:17, Chron 12:32, Jud. 8:23, Ecc 3:1.
authority: Esther chose to submit to his authority in her life and
listened to his Godly advice, it caused her to enter into God’s correct
timing, and it saved the entire Jewish nation from destruction. Ester
2:10,20. Godly authority is designed by God for our protection and
covering. Finding and submitting to Godly authority creates strength
inside of us and gives us the added courage to walk in obedience. It is
ordained of God and not appointed by a friend or an idea.
Num 16:3, Eph 4:11-16, 17, 18 It
is imperative that we submit ourselves to Godly authority in this hour,
believer and leader, so that the Spirit of God can accomplish his end time
plan through us and save the nations today. Motives
must be right. Est. 2:13, 15, 17 Fasting and prayer: Prayer is the vehicle
of travel in the spirit, the steering wheel is the Word of God and the
fuel is your persistence. There is no wall to thick prayer cannot plow
through. Prayer
is vital to our spiritual strength {Esther 4: 14}. Strong character and a strong spirit will position you to know
exactly what you are to do and where you are to go, and nothing more or
nothing less. Judges
8:23; Ecc. 3:1 There is a correct season and a correct time to come forth
and do the job you have been positioned to do. Prayer and fasting will
keep you alert to God’s plans. Esther 4:16, Esther 9:13, Esther 8:17,
1Chron 12:32. Understanding in the Hebrew means, “to perceive”. It
is the will of God that we perceive by our spirits the time we are in, and
then to know the job we are to do within that timing. 6. RECEIVING REMEDY AND
RESTORATION KEY TEXT: EPHESIANS 5:16 * Some points on how to tell
God’s time:
of the easiest ways to check a message or a word is to pray and ask God,
then stay with what you hear in your spirit. * Listen to the prophecies you hear: when those things begin to be fulfilled, you know God’s timing is changing. What if you miss it? {Eph. 5:
15-16} Redeeming the time means, “rescue from loss”. God can recover and redeem the time through his grace and mercy. If you miss it, get up, repent, find out what you did wrong and go on. Use your mistakes as stepping-stones, not stumbling blocks. You pray in repentance: “Father, I am sorry for missing it. If you arrange the time for me to do it again, I will do it your way, forgive me for making this mistake. Thank you for redeeming the time for me.”
Is tithing required under the New
Covenant? ANSWER:
One of the major questions many Christians have concerning tithes is
whether or not tithing is still required under the New Covenant. Many
think that tithing was instituted under the Old Covenant…under the
Law…and since we now live under the New Covenant, Christians are no
longer required to give their tithes…a tenth of their income…to God. To answer this question, we must determine when the practice of tithing was first instituted. Tithing is not a man-made ordinance or tradition. It is not a legalistic form or ritual required by the Law. It is an outward expression of the covenant relationship we have with God, and it is God’s method of pouring out His blessings upon us. Tithing
did not begin with the giving of the Law. God set tithing into order
before the Law was given. The practice of giving one-tenth of the produce
of the land and of the spoils of war to priests and kings was an ancient
and deeply-rooted custom in existence for more than 400 years, long before
the time of Moses and the giving of the Law. Abram
gave tithes of the spoils of war that he won over the kings of Sodom and
Gomorrah. He recognized Melchizedek as being God’s representative and
gave him his tithe. “But this person who has not their Levitical ancestry received tithes
from Abraham
(himself) and blessed him who possessed the promises
(of God)”
(Hebrews 7:6 TAB). Jacob made a vow to God that he would give tithes
of all that He gave him. (Genesis 28:22) Later, as part of His covenant with Israel, God required the children of Israel to give the tithe…a tenth…of all they possessed. God considered the tithe as belonging to Him. When they gave their tithes in obedience to Him, the children of Israel were only giving what already belonged to Him. “And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD’S: it is holy unto the LORD” (Leviticus 27:30).
Jesus established the New Covenant, He did not abolish the practice of
tithing. Jesus said, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am
not come to destroy, but to fulfill” (Matthew 5:17).He confirmed that we must not neglect giving our
tithes. He told the Pharisees, “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin, and have omitted the
weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye
to have done, and not to leave the
other undone” Matthew 23:23). He did not reprove nor condemn them
for their strict adherence to tithing, but for their neglect of the more
important matters of the Law… justice, mercy and faithfulness. Jesus
said,… "You
should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the
former…”(Matthew 23:23, NIV). Jesus’
teaching established a new level of giving which extends beyond the tithe.
He taught through His words and actions that our giving must become our
lifestyle. He is our pattern for giving . With the ultimate price He paid,
we must also be willing to give, not only 10 percent, but 100 percent of
all that we are and all that we have!
must not limit our giving to our tithe; we must be willing to give 100
percent of ourselves…our time…our abilities…our finances
in fulfilling the will of God upon the earth. Tithing
is still part of our covenant of giving, but God desires to take us beyond
our current level of giving. Under the New Covenant ,our giving to God is
no longer limited to a set formula or dictated by duty. When we give our
tithes and offerings to Him, we must give according to the pattern Christ
are not bound by a legalistic approach, but give our tithe and offering
according to the direction of the Holy Spirit. We give it not out of duty,
but from our covenant relationship with God. As we do this , God will pour
His blessings into our lives in such abundance that, not only will our
needs be met, but the work of God throughout the world will continue to
flourish, and His end time plan will be accomplished. QUESTION:
What is the purpose of our
tithes? ANSWER:
God’s purpose for the tithe is very clear. God spoke through Malachi, “Bring
ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine
(Malachi 3:10). What does
this mean?
planned for there to be a divine
sufficiency in the work of the Lord. His purpose for the tithe was to
support the Levites who devoted themselves solely to their responsibility
in the service of the Tabernacle.
When the children of Israel took possession of the Promised Land,
God did not give any of the land to the Levites for their inheritance .
God gave them the tithes of the children of Israel as their inheritance.
God said, “ And, behold, I have
given the children of Levi all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance, for
their service which they serve, even the service of the tabernacle of the
(Numbers 18: 21).
tithes of the children of Israel were distributed among the Levites and
their families for their necessary food and provision so they would not be
encumbered or concerned with the cares of providing for themselves or
accumulating houses and lands. The
tithes of the children of Israel were their only means of support.
From the tithes they received from the children of Israel, they
were required to give a tithe of all they received from God as a heave offering to the Lord.
God instructed the Levites through Moses, “…When ye take of the children of Israel the tithes which I have
given you from them for your inheritance, then ye shall offer up an heave
offering of it for the LORD, even a tenth part of the tithe”
(Number 18 : 26). This heave offering was to be the very
best of all they received. (Numbers 18: 29)
they presented the very best portion to God and gave it to Aaron, the High
priest, the remaining portion belonged to them, their families and all
their households. God told Moses to tell the Levites, “And
ye shall eat it in every place, ye and your households : for it is your
reward for your service in the tabernacle of the congregation”
(Numbers 18: 31).
are the modern-day Levites?
within the fivefold ministry, who give themselves solely to the work of
the ministry, are modern-day Levites. God placed apostles, prophets,
evangelists, pastors and teachers within the Body of Christ, and gave them
the responsibility of building up and bringing the Body of Christ to full
maturity. (Ephesians 4: 11-14)
Today, God intends for the ministers within the fivefold ministry
be supported and under girded by the members of the Body of Christ through
the giving of their tithes and special offerings. Consistently
throughout Scripture, God’s plan was that the Temple or meeting place
was built and maintained by offerings, and the Levites were supported
through tithes. The atonement offering of one half shekel for all males,
20 years and older, was used for the upkeep of the Tabernacle. Freewill
offerings were used for the building of the Tabernacle in the wilderness,
the Temple in Jerusalem , and later for its restoration.
tithes today should be given to support the apostles, prophets,
evangelists, pastors and teachers whom God placed within the Body of
Christ, and the freewill offerings should be used for the upkeep of our
church buildings and the work of God in the nations of the world. God
planned that there be no lack in the House of God! If every member of the
Body of Christ were faithful in giving their tithes and offerings, there
would be more than enough to fulfill the work of God around the world. We
would have the necessary finances now
to evangelize the entire world and bring in the final end time harvest
before Christ’s return. QUESTION:
What is God’s “Storehouse?” Where should we give our tithes? ANSWER:
God directed the children of Israel to bring their tithes to the
place where He would establish His Name. Moses told the people, “But unto the place which the LORD your God shall choose out of all your tribes to put his name there , even unto his habitation shall ye seek, and thither thou shalt come: And thither ye shall bring your burnt offerings, and your sacrifices, and your tithes and heave offerings of your hand, and your vows, and your freewill offerings, and the firstlings of your herds and of your flocks” (Deuteronomy 12 :5-6).
The children of Israel were not allowed to eat their tithe wherever
they chose. They were required to eat it ,along with their household and
the Levites , at the place God directed in the House of the Lord.
(Deuteronomy 6 :17-19).
As they brought their tithes and offerings, God wanted them to
rejoice before Him in His
sacred presence over the abundance that He had poured into their lives.
said , “Bring ye all the tithes into
the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house…”(Malachi 3:10). The storehouse was comprised of special storerooms
or treasuries which had been built in the House of God where they stored
the tithes that the children of Israel brought to present to God. Every
year, they brought their tithes, along with their first fruits and
offerings to the House of God. Out of this storehouse, the tithes were
given to the Levites.
The teaching that is prevalent today within the Body of Christ is
that the local church is the “storehouse” and that members are to
limit giving of their tithes to their local church. In reality, the local
church is only part of God’s “storehouse.” The purpose of the tithes
is to support the fivefold ministry… apostles, prophets, evangelists,
pastors and teachers who have given themselves totally to the ministry of
building the Body of Christ around the world.
“storehouse” today is not just a single church, nor a particular
denomination, but the overall work of God throughout the world. The
storehouse is the total work of the Kingdom. God never intended the tithes
to stay within a local body of believers so that they could consume it
only for the needs of their local congregation. There is not one Scripture
where God ever gave the tithes to the local synagogue. God does not intend
local churches to get “fat” from their tithes, but that the church sow
part of it into the work of God in other areas of ministry.
God held the individual responsible for the distribution of the
tithes. When they had obeyed God fully regarding the tithes, THEN they
were able to ask God’s blessings to be released upon them. Moses
instructed the children of Israel:
“When you have finished
setting aside a tenth of all your produce in the third year, the year of
the tithe, you shall give it to the Levite, the alien, the fatherless and
the widow, so that they may eat in your towns and be satisfied . Then say
to the LORD your God: “I have removed from my house the sacred portion
and have given it to the Levite, the alien, the fatherless and the widow,
according to all you commanded. I have not turned aside from your commands
nor have I forgotten any of them. I have not eaten any of the sacred
portion while I was in mourning, nor have I removed any of it while I was
unclean , nor have I offered any of it to the dead.
I have obeyed the LORD my God; I have done everything you commanded me.
Look down from heaven, your holy dwelling place, and bless your people
Israel and the land you have given us as you promised on oath to our
forefathers, a land flowing with milk and honey”
(Deuteronomy 26: 12-15,NIV).
expects you to pray and seek His direction regarding where
He wants you to give your tithes. Once you receive His direction and do as
He directs you by His Spirit, you can clearly say to God, “I have obeyed
your voice. I gave what you asked me to give where you asked me to
give.” Then, you can look up to heaven and ask God to RELEASE HIS
you have obeyed Him, THEN you
can call for the blessing God promised as a result of your being obedient
in giving your tithe and offerings.
When you act in obedience to God, it sets in motion a chain of
events which causes God’s promises to happen!
The bottom line is: you
must be led and directed by God’s Spirit as you give your tithes into
His “storehouse” to support the fivefold ministry He established.
“God’s storehouse” includes all ministries where the Word of God is
preached in a demonstration of power; where souls are continuously being
won into the Kingdom of God; where people are healed and delivered by the
power of God! QUESTION:
Do we give our tithes on our
gross or net income? ANSWER
To answer this question, we must first have a breakthrough in our
understanding regarding the type of giving God expects us to practice
During Jesus’ ministry, He demonstrated and taught a new level of
UNLIMITED, LIBERAL giving which far exceeds the tithes. The tenth of our
income…of all that God gives us…already belongs to Him. Under the New
Covenant, we must not be limited to giving just our tithe. We must follow
the example Christ set for our giving.
All that we are and all that we possess belongs to God. All our
finances should be dedicated and consecrated to Him, and we must be
willing to be led and directed by His Spirit in our giving. What we give
is no longer dictated by a legalistic approach or formula, but by the
direction of the Holy Spirit.
children of Israel were directed to give tithes OF ALL THEY POSSESSED…all
their crops, all the fruit of
their trees, all their
livestock! Today, God expects us to give tithes of ALL He has given us . I
believe this involves giving a tenth off
the top of all our income!
When God’s people receive a fresh revelation concerning their
finances, and the UNLIMITED, LIBERAL GIVING God wants us to practice, they
will no longer be concerned with how much they are required
to give, but they will give freely and liberally as a result of their
relationship with Almighty God as their Source of Total Supply! QUESTION:
Can we give something besides money for our tithes? ANSWER:
THERE are many Christians who think by giving their time and devoting
their talents to the work of God they have given their tithes. With the
establishment of the New Covenant, God expects us to give 100 percent of
all that we are and all that we have! The apostle Paul told the Romans, “I
beseech you therefore, brethren ,by the mercies of God, that ye present
your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your
reasonable service”
(Romans 12:1).
Giving 100 percent of ourselves… our time…our abilities…our
finances to God is our REASONABLE SERVICE! Giving your time is
not a substitute for giving the tenth of your income, and does not
negate your responsibility for giving your tithes. QUESTION:
When we fail to give our tithes and offerings to God, is it sin? ANSWER:
God considers the tithe … a tenth of all that He gave us…as belonging
to Him. Moses told the children of Israel , “And
all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the
fruit of the tree, is the LORD’S : it is holy unto the LORD”
(Leviticus 27 :30).
When we give our tithes, we actually give the
Lord’s tithe. It belongs to Him, and we are only giving what is His.
When we withhold or fail to give God tithes, we are ROBBING Him!
God asked the children of Israel , “Will
a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, wherein have we robbed
thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have
robbed me, even this whole nation”
let me ask you a question. Is it a sin to steal something that does not
belong to you? Yes! But what about stealing from God what is rightfully
belongs to Him? Yes , it is sin, and when we fail to give our tithes, we
are not obedient to Him. God said, “Bring
ye all the tithes into the storehouse…”(Malachi 3: 10). God’s
Word teaches us, “Honour the Lord with thy substance , and with the first fruits of all thine increase : So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and
thy presses shall burst out with new wine”
(Proverbs 3: 9-10). Before
the majority of Christians filling our churches today experience a
financial breakthrough wherein they receive God’s promised blessings,
they must repent for withholding their tithes! Many live in financial
bondage because they have not been faithful and obedient in giving God
their tithes. God is saying to the Church, as He said to the children of
Israel, “…Return unto me, and I
will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts…”(Malachi 3:7).
every born-again child of God was faithful in giving his or her tithes
according to God’s plan that He revealed to us through the Word, there
would be no lack! If every Spirit-filled, on-fire Christian gave the way
God intended us to give, we would have an abundance to fulfill His work of
bringing in a harvest of souls in this end time hour! If
you have been withholding your tithes and offerings, repent and ask God
‘s forgiveness. Then, regardless of the financial circumstances you
face, start giving God your tithes and offerings. As you take this step of
faith, believe God to break the bondage of debt from off your life, open
the windows of heaven and pour out His supernatural increase until there
is not enough room for you to receive it!
apostle Paul said, “Now this I
say, he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he sows
bountifully shall also reap bountifully. Let each one do just as he has
purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a
cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, that
always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for
every good deed”(2 Corinthians 9:6-8,NAS). God’s
Word is clear! As you faithfully give your tithes and offerings to God, in
accordance with His Word, you will have His DIVINE SUFFICIENCY! The tithe opens the windows of heaven. Your offerings determine the measure that God will use to flow His blessings to you through the open windows of heaven!
WATCH: to look at, observe closely, to look after, mind, to keep awake: the act of keeping guard, someone who keeps or those who keep guard.
WA TCHMAN: a man who guards (a building at night)
INTERCESSOR: a person who acts as a peacemaker between two people, nations etc.
The functions of the watchman and the intercessor are different. The watchman brings focus by speaking the 'now' word of God while the intercessor hears the 'now' word of God and begin to pray in that direction. Each has a role which strengthens the other. God is restoring all things through the Body of Christ: the restoration of the Prophetic movement, Apostolic and Intercessory Prayer movement. The watchman's ministry is part of the Prophetic ministry.
The watchman is a type of prophet. .He/she helps communicate God's heart so that the Body of Christ is activated to achieve its highest calling. The watchman is called to give key words in various spheres of influence.
The intercessor is one who stands in the gap between heaven and earth, pulling on heaven to change earth. In the old testament the word 'to preserve' was used for watchman, when the 'preserving word' spoken by the watchman is taken on by the intercessor together we will preserve what God has given us charge over. We will literally occupy the land by placing God in the highest place and by destroying the work of the enemy. Through the linking of the watchman and intercessory ministries we can lean on the Holy Spirit to show us how to take back that which has been stolen from God's people.
As men and women with the fivefold ministry gifts function together in their anointing there will be a transfer or impartation of that anointing to all saints. It is the saints who will cause the kingdoms of this world to become the kingdoms of our Lord Jesus Christ and see the return of Christ as meant Biblical prophecies are fulfilled. (Daniel 7) The watchman has been set in place to guard, protect, foresee and bring words of warning from God. This will offer the saints the opportunity to respond, repent and bring reconciliation so that the kingdom and dominions will be given to the saints. The restoration of the watchman ministry will help eliminate many pitfalls and problems in the church. The watchman's responsibility is to 'see' the wolf and to 'see' the snake not kill them. He/She is responsible to see it, pray it and say it to the appropriate people. He/She is only a messenger on God. The watchman and the intercessor must work together as a wheel within a wheel helping the Body of Christ to move forward as the Spirit of God is leading. As the watchman sees the destination ahead and the intercessors hear the word, warring over the word in prayer until it is accomplished, the church as a whole would benefit. THE
are three Hebrew words for watchman TSAPHAH, SHAMAR
and NATSAR and each gives insight into the role
of the watchman. .TSAPHAH - peer into the distance, to observe, await, look up, and keep the watch. The watchman peers into the distance and receives the forewarning from God, He then speaks forth the word that can bring preservation, change, protection and strategy. The words spoken reveal hidden things which God is disclosing so that the church can be victorious overcomers and redeem the KAIROS time. SHAMAR - to guard, to protect, attend to, beware, take, heed, keep, mark, look narrowly, observe, preserve, regard, reserve, save, sure, wait, watch. God makes use of the watchman as a 'hedge of protection' around a ministry. The watchman may guard that ministry from wolves in sheep clothing. NATSAR
- to
guard, to keep, monument. The watchman is placed in strategic places so that he/she can look out over the situation. God himself is described as a watchman. God watches over His Word to perform it and it will accomplish what He sent it to do. He watches over all His creation, the heavens, the earth and under the earth. He watches over Israel. God functions in every gift He has given to the church. The watchman in the secular realm watches with trained natural eyes. He provides protection through what he saw with his natural eyes. When we are reborn we become supernatural beings, born of the Spirit of the Lord. Our senses are sharper. Our sense of hearing needs to be focused, for we need to recognize the sounds in the spiritual realm. Beside sounds there are smells, visions and feeling. God instructs us through the five senses. As watchmen we need to be alert and watch out for that which is good, evil or temptation etc. Being alert enables us to sidestep the wiles of the devil in our lives and become more proficient in discerning good and evil. In the prophetic books the watchman is not like the secular watchman appointed by a king, he is appointed by God. He has been given that gift to report, as in the Old Testament what he sees in the spiritual realm, with his spiritual eyes and what he hears with his spiritual ears. Erg Ezekiel, Isaiah and Jeremiah. God handpicks those he desired to serve as watchmen. It is a mandate from God to speak the visions, words dreams etc. God has given. As the watchman cries out we should know how to regulate the course of events; the direction in which we should be moving. THE
FUNCTION OF THE WATCHMAN 1. To speak the word of God (lamentation, mourning, woe) 2. To be watchman prophets (to see in the Spirit and in the scriptures what God is about to do) 3. To give warning. He hears the word of God declare His divine purposes and bring a word of warning to those not aligned with His plan. His function here is to bring preservation, salvation, redemption and repentance to those who will heed the warnings. The watchman's words encourage a need for change to be made. 4. To give the word, not to control whether or not it comes to pass. E.g. When Jesus spoke to Peter of His future death in Jerusalem. 5. Words of warning spoken by the watchman reflects God's love for us. By bringing the words of warning God demonstrates His love, grace and mercy. EZEKIEL,
THE WATCHMAN Ezekiel was made a watchman prophet. (Ezek 3:17-21) God spoke through him to the people of Israel. He gave warning to the Israelites. Sometimes the watchman is required to expose sin. (Jeremiah 2: 14)
times the words of warning are bitter, but once released the watchman
becomes clear again for the burden has been shifted from him to the
people. Ezekiel also spoke words of hope: a restoration and future for
Jerusalem; his brethren would inherit the land and have a new spirit and
heart. He became a SIGN for the house of Israel. God set and appointed
Ezekiel to this position. He did not volunteer. God still sets his
watchmen today. God spoke through Ezekiel about the idols found in the
house of Israel. God was giving them a chance to repent. Watchmen are
responsible only to give the word THE
IMPORTANCE OF THE INTERCESSOR Intercession is prayer on behalf of another. Intercessors often bear the burden and responsibilities of persistently praying until they sense God's will is accomplished or feel a release from God. God wants the intercessor to be £Tom among the people of a nation (Ezek 22:30) (Jer. 5:1). The intercessor hears the word and stand before God to see the nation turn to God through his/her labour in prayer. When God gives the word to an area if only one person responds His anger can be averted. God is moving through the church as a corporate body. The church can hasten the coming of the Lord. God knows when the prayers of the saints have filled the bowls and the time is right. He is looking for corporate prayer to bring forth His purposes. Sometimes the watchman gives the warning and has to walk away hoping that intercessors understand the gravity and pray. Sometimes God tells him to get back on the wall. It therefore becomes the job of the intercessors to carry the burden of the Lord, step into the gap and seek His mercy. The watchman ministry is a constant standing before the Lord on behalf of the land and the people. As prophets, watchmen are intercessors. However they may not qualify as the intercessor God is looking for in each situation. For God may want the people themselves to respond, or because when the cup of iniquity is full, nothing will change God's mind.
However if there is one who repents over the detestable things God will relent and turn from His anger. When the watchman releases the burden it is no longer his burden it becomes that of the intercessor; to make intercession, plead, petition God on behalf of the land and seek reconciliation between God and His fallen creation. Sometimes while making intercession it may become necessary to inquire of the watchman again and again. (Isaiah 21: 11-12) In the Old Testament God wanted to hear the intercessor one who would cry out for the truth (Isaiah 59:15-16) but no one heeded His call, He looked to Jesus who took that role. Jesus literally placed Himself on earth as the agent to stand in the gap and pay the price of redemption for fallen creation and bring the kingdom of God to earth. After His resurrection and ascension Jesus continues to be our intermediary with The Father. In the temple Jesus said, "My house has a purpose and that is as a place of prayer for all nations and peoples". This was a call for all people everywhere to pray. Intercessors can change the course of history (Matt 25:32). Everyone is called to be an intercessor as a human being, a man. The watchman may be the only one who may occasionally be exempt from interceding. The intercessor is the cog in the wheel, the connector between heaven and earth to keep the wheel moving toward the fulfillment of God's will being established on earth. They have to press on until God's purposes are fulfilled. There must be a mixture of the word and faith as we work in prayer to see His word accomplished. (Isaiah 55 10: 11) Watchmen and intercessors need to function in harmony. Neither can function effectively without the other. As the watchman is given the opportunity to speak the word of God the intercessor stand in the gap and pleads and petition God on behalf of the land then we will see change. A people, a nation can be changed as the watchman and intercessors labour together. Both watchmen and intercessors have to resolve not to be silent regardless of the circumstances. Sometimes the choice may be life threatening like Queen Esther, Mordecai-Watchman, Esther - Intercessor. Had they chosen to remain silent God would have found someone else to expose the enemy's plan to destroy the nation. THE
COMMISSIONING AND CHARACTER OF THE WATCHMAN Cleansing must take place in us, it is through our lips the word of God is carried. The fire of God must touch the mouth of His prophets. When we do not line up with God, He will never use us ego Jonah and Balaam, who were only used once. However God used Jeremiah (Jer 1:7-9) (Jer 6:17) HE made Jeremiah a watchman in the midst of the people. God gives us the opportunity to say "Here I am, send me" and desire us to be pure and holy. Our character and heart have to be purified by the fire of God. God chooses and forms us as He has needs. He refines and develops His character in us. In this process we learn to die to ourselves and live for God. The souls realm, the mind, the emotions and the will have to be submitted to God. (Philippians 3:7-14) The Watchman has to be tenacious and made of strong stuff, tough stuff which God can work in us. Repentance is the key to redemption: to overcoming. The Watchman obeys and speaks God's words. His vision must be able to see what God wants to show him. He must know and live his life by the written word of God. The life of a Watchman must be pure, holy, and righteous. As intercessors we should be watching over the watchman with our prayers. The Watchman's life has to be accountable to guard against spiritual pride and! or false responsibility. He is not a law unto himself. The watchman must also maintain a sense of hopefulness. Without hope the watchman may want to give up. We should be interceding for the rich men of the earth (Matt 19:24, 26). God always gives warning before he acts. The watchman has to 'blow the trumpet' which would signal that destruction is ahead.
BEFORE THE LORD One of the ways we will do greater works is by standing before the Lord. We must wait on Him. To stand means remaining still in our spirits so we are able to hear and to respond to God. When we are still we are able to hear His voice and move at His command. Also when we cease from our thoughts and activities then we are able to hear and know God's thoughts. (Ex. 14: 13) It is only by standing in His presence that we can hear His voice. Abraham stood before the Lord (Gen 18:22) (Gen 19:27) and God revealed what He was about to do. God also allowed Abraham to try to change His mind. God was looking for someone among them. A vexing spirit will cause one not to intercede. We cannot allow this vexing spirit to remain active for people around us depend on our intercession. As we persevere to hear the voice of God and respond, we will overcome the power of the vexing spirit. When we stand before God we need to allow Him to purify us of our sins so that His glory will be magnified in and through us. This purifying process is for both watchmen and intercessors. Many times God may require the watchman to speak troubling words because of the distress caused by the inhabitants of the land. He must always be prepared to receive repercussions and yet remain firm in the Lord and the words God has spoken (Kgs 18:21, 22). The watchman must be continually standing at his post ready to receive God's direction. He must also understand when God is speaking a now word and when He is speaking a future word. The watchman must have a high level of faith and trust. He also has to be able to identify the point in time when the recorded Word is being fulfilled. The watchman, the intercessors, the interpreters of dreams and visions and administrators who know how to administrate the spirit of God need to work together. Each has vital part in seeing God's purpose accomplished. In order to stand before the Lord we must be righteous (see Prov. 10:12, 13, 21, 25)
THE WATCH It is vital that we keep the watch everyday and in every aspect of our lives. We however need to ask God to quicken our spirit to those things that are in opposition to His purposes and plans. The watch is a 'normal' part of our lives therefore our senses need to be sharpened trained and disciplined. All can watch but not all are appointed to be watchmen. (2Ch.23:6). The watchman must not be complacent (Matt 24:36-51) for the only way to avoid falling into Satan's trap is to watch and pray. Temptations keep us from the watch God has called us to perform. As we follow the commands of the Lord we will be effective in our watch as overcomers and move into the fullness of life that God has for us. As we keep watch we will not be taken unawares. (1Peter 5:8). Jesus wants us to be bound to Him petitioning Him to keep us from harm and to pray, 'Deliver us from evil'. Jesus is commanding us to watch for the dangers and to keep ourselves aligned with Him. We do not know when Jesus will return however there are four watches of the night: evening, midnight, cockcrowing and morning. (Luke 12:37). The enemy has watch just like we have only his watch is for evil purposes. Satan does not want to lose power, his hold over the earth. All of us, the saints have grace from God that enables us to watch. The watchman who is appointed by God or set in place by God has a different sphere of influence. God will set the watchman in place to speak the words of His heart that bring warning, thereby making the watch more effective. When information gained through the individual watch and the prophetic words of the watchman are joined together, intercession is more successful. God did not allow the watchman to be the intercessor but He was looking for a man among them who would pick up the burden and pray. THE
ROLE OF THE INTERCESSOR The intercessor must stand in the gap before the Lord on behalf of the land. He must intercede for the situation to be turned around however the ultimate outcome is not the
intercessor's responsibility. The assignment will be completed when the veil of deception will be drawn back, the ones being prayed for will be allowed to see their choices without deception and to make a conscious effort to obey or disobey. Without deception the choice will be clear. The Holy Spirit will reveal, declare, disclose and transmit everything the Father has to us. Jesus continually said WATCH AND PRAY. Watching is a gift. Be faithful and watchful. When you are faithful God will put you over all His possessions. THE
WATCHMAN'S SPHERE OF INFLUENCE Every sphere belongs to God, nothing belongs to Satan. We are in a war along with all creation against Satan and people of every tongue, tribe and nation, both male and female will be used for the furtherance of God's kingdom on earth. Jesus has already given us the tools we need to regulate the course of events. We need to know what is bound and loosed. Closed and opened in the heavens. The cry of the intercessor is the same as the words of Jesus. 'Thy kingdom come'. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matt 6: 10). We have been raised up and seated with Christ in heavenly places. From this place we are able to take the keys of the kingdom of heaven and use them to open and close those things that must the opened and closed as the Spirit directs. Jesus comes to bring redemption to all. There will be a day when all men will have an understanding of the salvation God planned for us at the beginning of the world. In the Body of Christ a watchman can be called forth to speak the clear world of God as part of his job is to watch over the integrity of the ministry. (Jer. 23: 1-2). In these verses God reveals the men were not acting with integrity. In Jer 23:30-34 God expressed His reaction concerning false prophets. God will pour out His wrath over the house of the false prophet, priest, and pastor. It is important that the watchman take his position as a guard over the house of God. God chooses and calls individuals for specific roles in His church; however the individual must have a willingness to serve God. If the individual is not willing God will find someone else.
God has a unique destiny for the nation of Israel and as intercessors we have the burden to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Only when the Israelites receive back the land promised to them will God's word be fulfilled. As the watchmen and intercessors fulfill their role Jerusalem will become the praise of the earth. Watchmen can also make a difference in the secular realm. If recognized and heard the watchman will help guard a company. DISCERNING
THE TIMES It is important to discern the times so that we would know where we are in history and what are God's plans for the church and the world. Watchmen need to watch over the Word of God; all unfulfilled Bible prophecies. Like Daniel the watchman must seek the Lord for the revelation of His times and seasons. He must know the Word of God and watch over it. In doing so we will understand what has been completed and what is yet to come. (Isa 11: 11-16) Part of the words Isaiah spoke has been fulfilled, 'but he shall smite the earth' remains to be fulfilled. The time when the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord and the Gentiles shall seek, are well underway for the majority of the Christians today are Gentiles. (Luke 21:22, 24) Verse 24 is for now. It is time for the times of the Gentiles to come to an end. Intercessors pray for the peace in Jerusalem. Intercession, spiritual warfare and sometimes specific action are required to assure the fulfillment of God's words. God wants to restore the old foundations as well as bring forth the new. The very foundation of Israel with God's covenant with Abraham. God is calling us back to rewalk the old foundations, the foundations of righteousness that He originally established and restore them; pull them time to the plumb line of righteousness and judgment. CHRONOS - a measurement of moments by a chronometer. KAIROS - is the opportune time, an opportunity to do.
Kairos is the appropriate time while Chronos embraces all possible Kairos time. The Israelites under Moses missed their Kairos time and wandered for forty years. God will use the watchman to identify junctures of time that His Kairos time. When the Kairos time is announced intercessors must press through with effectual fervent prayers to God’s words into being. If we miss that Kairos time we will have to wait on another. We must earnestly desire that God shows us the times and the seasons and be willing to speak forth the understanding He reveals. God alone does not wish to affect what happens in time. Satan knows that he will eventually be finished therefore he tries to change times and laws at every opportunity. We therefore need to know the plans of the enemy. To counteract Satan's attempt to change laws intercessors have to be stationed in key places. When we know the plans, the times and seasons we can pray and intercede until God’s plans unfolds on earth. We should be looking for signs that indicate a change in the course of events. As we press into God He will reveal the times and seasons. When we know the times and the seasons our prayers can be more targeted and effective. The scriptures include many things that still must be fulfilled before Jesus can return. The intercessors need to arise and take the words of God and remind Him of His word and cry out for labourers so that Jesus can return.
BODY IN UNITY God has given certain gifts that are needed for the Body of Christ to become unified so that the saints can do the work of service and ministry. There must be a yoking together of apostles, prophets, evangelists pastors and teachers so that God's end time purposes can be brought forth. As we work together the church will become unified. We
have to allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through us and the fivefold
ministry have to advance in their training of the saints for the
church to fully grasp and move into the fullness of time.
We must listen to the words of
the watchman to stay in sync with
The restoration of the watchman is in preparation for the Lord's return. God's warnings will not bring fear to those who belong to Him but help them move closer to the coming of the Lord and His glory. Each individual must do his part to keep, preserve, redeem and restore all that God has given us. We have a vital role to play in the fulfillment of God's purposes. The restoration of the watchman needs to be accepted into the church. The role of the intercessor is also very critical. The watchman has to rise up and accept God's appointment and his anointing. He has to humble himself, study the Word, seek to hear God's voice and deliver as He directs. Be accountable and faithful wherever He has put you. The Intercessor has to raise his hands and join God's army, volunteer to pray and intercede, align with the watchman and pick up the burden released by the spoken word. Press on until there is a release. Watch and pray. Church leaders, spiritual leaders must allow the watchman to function for the corporate prayers of the saints will be more powerful than ever. And the corporate anointing will bring the miraculous for prison doors will be opened, lame will walk and the blind will see. It is only when there is unity will there be the glory of God. Before Jesus returns Bible Prophecy must be fulfilled. We need to recognize when is the Karios time and join together to hasten His coming.
Bissessar 17th
May 2007 Ph#
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